Tuesday, 11 December 2012

New Works


It has been quite a while, not that anyone has ever checked out this website in the first place. Currently, all my stories i'm writing for this site are on hiatus. Maybe I might get around to finishing them but not at this point in time.

I am however, working on a new story tentatively titled "The Dark Lady". It's about knights and their squires in 1700 France. It won't be put up on the site though. I would like it to become a series. Ideas for a series name include 'Knight and Squire' or 'Blood and Wine'.

In other news, I have joined a collaboration project with several other authors in writing a novel tentatively titled 'Rift'. The premise of the project is that each author writes a chapter of the story, leaving loose ends and unanswered questions that will be answered by the next author. There would be a maximum amount of chapter to keep the story from turning into a never-ending one.

Here's a quick excerpt from my chapter, Chapter Two:

Everyone in the room went silent, until the girl began to suddenly breathe loudly. We all rushed to hear as she began to speak.
“e-v...il” she whispered
“Evil?” I replied
Ripping her eyelids open, her back arched and she screamed at the top of her voice, “EVIL!”
She lay back down, but her eyes didn’t close, nor did her mouth. The doctor whipped out his stethoscope and placed it over the girl’s heart.
“She’s gone into cardiac arrest!” he shouted and immediately pulled her off the sofa and onto the carpeted floor.
“What should we do?” said Ashton, almost frantically.
“Just stay back, okay” said the doctor
Doctor Whiktenstien placed his hands over her heart and started beating down on her chest.
He performed thirty beats and pulled the side of his face over to the girl to see if she’s still breathing. He couldn’t feel any breathing.
“Rats, CPR isn’t working!”
He beat her heart again and again and again, each beat was just a step closer to realising that there was no hope. This child had passed away and there was nothing anyone could do about it.

Enjoy your day
xoxo - gossip girl

Wednesday, 14 March 2012

Strange Clouds Part Two: The Stranger

SSStrange CCclouds: Part Two: The Stranger

Last Chapter review: I’m amazed that I was able to turn a guy who woke up in a desert, got up and walked away, into a whole page! This part might be more robust and you know, has more plots.

Steve Lipchitz had watched the bright stars turn to sepia and reveal the golden diamond tinted sands around him. Just like the deserts on earth, the two giant interlinking suns way up in the sky and beat down harshly. Enough sweat was ripping out of Steve’s forehead to fill an entire water bottle. What seemed like a boat in a sea of lucky stars seemed like riding a dingy to hell. He was beginning to turn weak, he then fell down a large sand dune and landed face first on the bottom, the tie he had wrapped around his head to protect his eyes had come off.
Steve spat out the sand, still tasted like earth.
It had been a whole ten hours since Steve had first woken up in the desert. He had not seen anyone or anything, until now. A speckle of silver glimpsed in the distance. Steve adjusted his glasses; it was moving. He got back up and ran as fast as his legs would let him.
“Hey!” Steve shouted. The Silver thing looked at him; it was a man moving something.
“Hey, wait up!” Steve replied. Suddenly, the Silver man sudden pointing some sort of long metal rod at him, the last thing Steve saw was himself being thrown back with a chunk of his right shoulder blowing up before being sent into eternal darkness…

Tuesday, 13 March 2012

Brothers in Arms. Idea.

Idea for minisaga:
Two brothers,or friends, serve as guards for a tower in a medieval fantasy exsistence, help a young female warrior in her travels. The story pokes fun at both classical and amature fantasy. As well as incoperating metajokes, surrealism and idealistic comments on the fantasy genre.

Sunday, 4 March 2012

This really rustled my jimmies!

Just want to let you all know, updates shall be officially made every Thursday (Eastern standard time)

Thursday, 1 March 2012

Strange Clouds Part One: Lucky Star

SSStrange CCclouds story: I’ve written the first part of this miniseries off the top of my head, I only know 2 things right now, that Steve is a mild mannered guy, essentially it’s Steve Carrel. The second is that it’s set in a fantasy desert world. I want to acknowledge that this is the first time I've shown any of my work where I have actually tried. The others were either warms ups, when I was younger or when I was practically sleeping. So Here I present to you, Part one of an unnumbered-amount-of-part... SERIES! Part one of a new short story series posted directly to King and the long ride home! Enjoy!

SSStrange CCclouds: An internet miniseries: part 1 – Lucky Star
By King

Steve Arthur-Wolfgang Lipchitz was surrounded by bright starlight across the windy sands of the desert. He fumbled his muscles; it felt like an elephant had been sitting on him. Minutes passed before he was able to even sit up. Obviously, his first question was, “Where am I?”, but his mind answered him with another question, “Where were you before?”
 Stars covered the desert, but not the kind of stars who or I would know, these shined huge thick white outlines of simple five pointed stars that gently moved around.
Steve would have originally expected to be confused or scared or want to scream with stress. Yet, he didn’t, instead he began to smile.
Meet Steve. Steve was always very mild, as mild as mud for that fact. A brick would have more personality than him. He came from a middle class family; his mother was a banker, his father, an accountant. He had an older brother that helped him with his problems socially and academically, he then left the country to study abroad. Steve never had a girlfriend, he was way too shy, he had friends, and he hanged out with people, girls too, just never got too friendly with them. He worked at a Mcburger fast food restaurant from when he was 14 until he graduated high school. He never got into fights. His grades were usually straight B’s, he never was too smart or too dumb, and he went to a business school and got a master’s degree in business years later. He was straight, agnostic, friendly and just a downright loser. He always seemed cheerful, liked to laugh and always considerate, putting himself before others, yet in truth he hated his life, deep down in his heart he despised everyone. He knew he was a pushover, he knew he just plain sucked. His life was uninteresting and he knew it, he dreamt of one day leaving the world of a boat and travelling out into the unknown. Then it had hit him, he realised the strange desert he has woken up in was his boat. And he is travelled in a sea of lucky stars.
Steve got up to his black loafers, brushed away the sand from his plain grey work suit, unloosened his back tie and simply began walking forwards towards the bright blue moon. Sure he was confused but right now, all he could do was deal with it. All that he could do now was walk into the unknown…
To be continued…

Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Flash Fiction Series 1#

Okay, so Flash Fiction is a sort of writers exercise that requires novelists to write a story or conversation in 55 words, no more, no less. The subject matter is yours to decide. Here are a few of my own, two are fantasy, the third is a fan fiction (based on the Japanese Anime Neon Genesis Evangellion) and the last is a reflection of my life back in a brighter time, and even that was dark!

Flash Fiction

The Lonesome Knight – A first attempt at a 55 word flash fiction – By King
The Lonesome knight killed the dragon but was told by the king to slay “The Beast”, the Queen was actually a siren, the real beast. The king loved her but was under her spell. The knight plunged his dagger into her. The King was saddened but nevertheless rewarded the Knight and carried on with life.

She fought with Chainmail – An attempt at a 55 word flash fiction – By King
She fought with her armour on. With her chain mail hands she fought creatures spanning the globe. From the prudest drunkard to the mightiest beast. She taught me everything I know. As I grew, I watched her from her humble beginnings as a teenager, up until her death. That was her story. Now mine begins.

Evangelion -  An attempt at a 55 word Fan-Flash Fiction – By King
“Eva ready to launch” Maya Ibuki, the first lieutenant called out to Misato Katuragi, the Major.
Misato spoke with her arms folded to the pilots, Rei Ayanami and Shinji Ikari. “Are you ready?”
“Yes” confirmed Rei
“Shinji?” Misato asked
“Yes, Ready” Shinji confirmed
“Launch Eva!” Misato ordered as the Evangellions blasted up into the sky.

Darkness –An attempt at a 55 word Flash Fiction By King
Darkness consumes me, flooded with raw misery before being sent into a guilty ocean. I feel lost. I’ll never spot the big picture - too many distractions. I hold so many problems, problems with myself and problems with my existence, dis’ be the winter of thy life – yet, tis not hath only a darkened summer.  

BullShizen Story 1#

Another weird story, I wrote this last night in a daze, half asleep, I was meant to write some sort of logical story  about stages of dreams but this was just ridiculous. I remember that it was meant to be a little weird, like the traditional Swaziland breakfast and the concept of the Swedish House Music Mafia but that was it. Anyway, just check it out:

Silent as the snow
By King.

Jayson woke up in a different bed that morning, unlike his red and green double bed, he was in a heart shaped bed. He tried to move but something was constructing his outstretched arms and legs. Chains. A breeze of snow blew over him, he was naked. A cyan coloured dog came over, hopped on the bed and proceeded to violently hump his face.
“Sod off Doggie” he screamed, and shouted but nothing could stop the dog’s Wang fluttering in his face. Thedog finished up and ran away, next thing he knew, Jayson was surrounded by members of the Swedish House Music Mafia.
“Yeah! DJ Sloviak in De Housegutterburgenhumgersmergainborge!!” yelled one of them in their native Swedish language yet Jayson did not know such a tongue.
“Where am I?” Jayson asked
“Wallet bonnet guttenborf” spoke one in a
“Money bunnywanty!” another replied
“Wolfgang Armada!” spoke the third
“You want Cash, check under my bed” said Jayson
They lifted the bed up with Jayson still attached and they found not money, but a portal to hades and everyone in the Swedish House Music Mafia’s face melted and their bodies warped into the portal and Jayson was left alone again. After seeing this, he passed out.
An alarm clock went off, Jayson found himself inside another room, fully clothed and in his normal bed. “Whew, just a terrible dream!” he exclaimed. But the surreal dream was far from over, he turned in his bed, glad to know he has full use of his arms and legs again. But something caught his eye, a lump in his bed. He opened the sheets and found another person, the person outstretched – female, around Jayson’s age, brown hair, white skin and two interesting features, she ears of a cat and a brown tail coming from the back of her. He noticed something else, she was completely naked.
“Nyaaaaaaaaaa! Good morning love!” she exclaimed, wrapping Jayson into a tight hug and sighing the word “Nya”. While Jayson would be confused and a little excited to see a beautiful naked catgirl lying in his bed and hugging him, he had a deathly allergy to cats and then he instantly died.
Well not really. He was allergic to peanuts though, not cats, or girls.
“Good morning?” Jayson replied slowly, putting his hands on the catgirls bare back. “Sorry, who are you again?”
“Really, you were that drunk?!” she exclaims, saddened.
“No sorry! I just…well yeah I suppose I was what happened last night?”
“You wooed me over by buying me catnip!”
Of course. Jayson thought.
“Then we will exchange pleasantries again! Nyaaaay!” (I think she meant to say Yaaaay!)
“I’m Laura! Nice to meetnya!”
“Hi…I’m Jayson. Sorry but just wondering, I’ve never even been a catgirl before, how did I find you?”
“Easy, I was hanging out in a fantasy bar!”
“…ah okay”
Jayson looked around and saw something unusual, he was surrounded by about fifty thousand billion midgets all dressed up in funny outfits and all in his house.
“Wanna see something fun?” said asks. She then claps her hands twice and the midgets bring out two bowls of soup.
“Here’s a traditional Swaziland breakfast!” she says.
Just then he noticed a shrunken head in his broth.
“What the fu-”
“Heres something else, too!” she exclaimed, clapping her hands again and suddenly the midgets all got up in straight lines back to back. Then the midgets started tossing all the smaller ones around like juggling balls. Then those midgets with juggling around the smaller ones and those midgets were tossing around the smallest midgets.                AND IT WAS THE BEST DAY EVER.                THE END

The Oblivion

 So I'll let you know now that this story is from 2009, it is my previously longest work but not my best by far. It is filled with plot holes and scenes of nonsensical motives and actions. It will actually make you dumber from reading it. Enjoy! 

The Oblivion Lachlan Horrigan copyright 2009
(yeah, something like that)


 1. Prologue
The whole town of Capricorn Isle had been installed with cameras; with over three hundred people watching over eighty screens. Everybody thought they were a massive waste of taxpayer money. But they were wrong, that is…after the break out.

A massive break out of a virus that you might see in movies, a virus that kept the body alive when there was no soul inside, a virus that could create its own mutant cross-species army. You could tell if people had it or not just by looking into their eyes. The virus was called Virus-K7 and it created the living dead…

The year is now 2010, the world is exactly the same, and Global warming and terrorism are still among us. Although Capricorn Isle wasn’t infected anymore by Virus-K7, it wiped out one quarter of the population and half of the island was barricaded. One half contained humans, the other half still hadn’t been opened to humans; there were a lot of unsafe buildings, ready to collapse after the government agents bombed the place. They went in to look for survivors and after a few months passed, they came out with twenty of them. The government are still trying to find a cure for the disease and the survivors have remained trapped in quarantine even though most of them were not infected. Since that’s where the infection started, only the Australian government was allowed inside, wearing containment suits and carrying AK-47 machine guns, (they’re are a type of gun that terrorists carry around usually)(Not all of them come out of the small gate, it has two electric fences at each side, both of them covered in barbed wire at the top.) Virus-K7 never made the news; it became another government secret and, infected or not, nobody was ever allowed out…ever.      

2. Now
Ben was thought of as a nerd but he wasn’t that much of one really. Everyone just thought that because he liked computer games so much, and he had friends that play dungeons and dragons. Ben never played it though he could understand how to play. They also played world of warcraft on the computers in the library, Ben actually enjoyed playing that, but when you think about it, it’s just a game, why is it so nerdy? Ben was short for being fifteen. He was sometimes mistaken for being thirteen. Once even nine years old. It always made him angry when people did that. He had brown hair; he had a slim body and a pointy nose. He wasn’t strong but he made up for that by being a tremendously fast runner.

He had recurring nightmares about what happened over those two dreadful nights, when the breakout of Virus-K7 came. Ben survived the onslaught because his tall fences fortifying his house. On the second night of the infected it would have seemed like if the invasion was over but because the zombies are nocturnal and everybody looted the hard wear and gun shops for weapons, the infected took everybody by surprise; most people thought that the invasion was over. Luckily Ben’s family was ready for a second helping. This time they wear hit with a small swarm of a type of mutated zombies known as ‘Jumpers’ they could jump over three story rooves.
They were as strong as regular zombies, so you could take them down easily if you were fast enough to shoot them. Ben’s nightmares were always about how he watched his father outside, Bens mother would be screaming at his dad “Get back inside!” and she begged him but he wouldn’t come back inside. Ben had a rifle next to him; he wouldn’t use it unless it was absolutely necessary. A regular zombie came up behind his dad and Ben had a clear shot, if Ben had been brave enough, maybe he would still had a father...

3. The parade
There was a big celebration today, a huge parade ran by the government was celebrating the opening of the Capricorn Island airport. A large number of families were able to leave the dreadful city; the government has revealed Capricorn Island to the whole world and is finally letting people go. They say that they have created an antivirus to K7; it works on regular zombies, jumpers (They look like regular zombies except for a thin horn on top of their heads, also the can leap tall buildings in a single jump), Dogs (They are humans that mutated with dogs, they are completely blood red and can run as fast as a train, but they tire easily), Runners (They are like dogs but they can only run as fast as a speeding car, however they aren’t blind) and lastly Spiders (they are also known as Creepers because the humans mutated with spiders, they are massive, grey and have spider legs, but they have the disturbing face of a bald human with its eyes gorged out forcing them to be blind, and they have huge claws for hands) There have been reports of an unknown species where the zombie has white skin, black hair and black blood. Nobody who ever had an encounter with one has been able to kill one, but they have been able to get away. The government doesn’t know if the antivirus works on them. All they know are that they have a power that isn’t known to man. People say that they can fly; others say that they shoot electricity out of their hideous wrinkly hands, but the reports are so rare, some people don’t think the species even exists.
It was a school day, so most kids were watching the ceremony from school or at home. Ben was watching it from school; a few kids in his class were leaving, coincidently, all of his friends were on the first few flights today or tomorrow morning. Ben was leaving in five days time to go and live with his Aunt and Uncle and three cousins, in Cairns.
He was watching the Parade on the T.V. with his math class; everybody couldn’t wait till they showed the planes leaving. Although some people couldn’t help being bored, so they had to bully others. Hank, the fat bully in his class kept trying to steal Ben’s new hat. “Stop it ya fatso!” Ben shouted, without a word Hank punched Ben in the face. The menacing blow made Ben fall off his chair, and muttered “One of these days, Hank” as Hanks’ so-called friends laughed at him.
A young girl who was fifteen years old helped him up. Her name was Erica. She had long black hair and thick, red lipstick and make up on; Ben also had a crush on her. She was very beautiful. “You’re just jealous of Ben because he is leaving before you…and on a plane!” Erica yelled at Hank, he was leaving by boat. An African-Australian girl with short frizzy curls and round nose, (she was the hottest girl in school,) came over to Hank “Hank, can you please try to be nice to somebody for once” she replied in a nice voice, her name was Mimi and was Hanks ‘girlfriend’. But really she hated him even more than Ben did…and Ben hated him A LOT!!
Hank treated Mimi like a slave, she didn’t want to go out with him but she had to, if she didn’t, Hank would bash her. Hank treated all the kids like if he was their king and they were all his slaves, even the grade eleven and twelve kids couldn’t fight him, even the teachers had no authority against him. He was just too strong, and he was part of a gang outside of school. He was basically the tallest, strongest and most psychotic kid in the whole school. He stood up, angry as a bull and shouted in a deep, menacing voice, emphasizing the starting sound of each word. “How…Dare…You”
Hank walked slowly towards Mimi, getting angrier at each step. Mimi started pleading at him to forgive him. The classmates were just watching him, too scared to stand up to him. But as Hanks hand flew up, it started to show the planes starting up on the TV and in the blink of an eye Hank and the rest of the classroom returned to normal.

4. A Time to die
Meanwhile the airport was ready for the first plane to fly to Melbourne. Capricorn Isle was located off the coast of Queensland, about one hundred miles northeast from Hamilton Island.
The airport was right next to a barricaded wall that covered half of the whole island. There was a small gate through the wall, it was on the runway and it’s to be used in case of an emergency.
A whole army load of people were at the airport, and every twenty minutes a Jeep Jericho would pass through the massive gate, which was a few hundred metres away from the airport.

The gate opened for the jeep to pass, the six armed scientists and guards drove in. They were making sure there weren’t any cadavers, or any thing else left that could cause cataphoric harm, like traces of Virus-K7.

They reached one of the oldest streets of Capricorn Island, it was known as
North-port Bay, but now it was just another load of ruins.
The scientists and guards were all wearing radioactivity/contamination suits. They all spilt up in pairs of two. One scientist and one guard.
 The first pair walked into a building that had been bombed out, the guard took out a device made in 2009 called a collapse-a-identify Ray, its primary function was to shoot out a loud squeaking sound that only can be heard by dogs, it was like a dog whistle but it could turn even the nicest, most friendliest dog in the world into Cujo, (An evil dog in a Stephen King novel) to make buildings fall if they weren’t safe but hadn’t collapse. He stopped the device from screaming out by pressing a button on the front. They waited a minute. “Its safe” The guard said to the scientist, through his speaker. Out of the corner of the guard’s eye, he thought he saw a black shadow run past a hundred meters away, he told himself that it probably was just a bird.
“Well,” said the scientist “There aren’t any cadavers here”
“Obliviously,” the guard replied “There hasn’t been a body found in this city since March this year! This is just a waste of time; they already have the bombs ready to blow this dreadful Island to hell!”
“Well, we still have to make sure nobody is here when it goes off.”
The government knew something that the people didn’t know, anybody who was left on the Island and wasn’t seen by the last-minute agents, would be blown up in a massive atomic explosion. The bombs were placed in the sewers in five different places, north, south, east, and west and in the middle of the city. The first bomb would be the middle one, it would explode and then, all at the same time. The other bombs would explode shortly after, containing the middle explosion and obliterating the whole city as the atomic particles hit each other at high speeds and explode.
The scientist looked up at the sky; it was grey and cloudy without a ray of sunshine anywhere. Fortunately it was forecasted to just rain.
He looked at the shadows of the building, it was five stories high, and half of the building was destroyed. Then he saw something fall. It was looked like a human figure, two legs and two arms. He charged up the cement staircase. He jumped over the two steps that had fallen down; at the end of the staircase, on the top floor, there was a cupboard filled with glass cups and vases filled with rotten flowers.
The scientist held his gun tightly as he looked to see what fell. But when he came to it he was surprised, nothing was there. He knew he saw something there; it couldn’t of just got up and walked away…could it?
Suddenly he heard a noise…

 “What’s going on up there?” the guard shouted “Hey-!!” his next sentence was cut short when the cupboard smashed through the side of the cement railing and fell to hit a pile of broken up dirt, metal and cement. Glass shattered everywhere. When the dust cleared, the guard could see the scientist arm sticking out. His glove was almost off. The guard looked at the closet. It had a back door, he was nervous. What the hell? He thought to himself. He got his gun ready; he was going to open the back door.
The veins of the dead scientist turned green, a vein popped up and his skin turned blood red.
The guard’s hands were shaking and his bottom lip was trembling. He turned his head and closed his eyes as he opened the door.
Then silence, he could here just the whisper of the wind. He opened his eye, nothing had happened after he opened the door. He opened his other eye, still nothing. He turned and looked into the closet, the shadow made the inside of the closet pitch.
He let go of the door and let it fall onto the ground.
He should have called for help before he opened the door.   
5. The start of an adventure
“Here we are again at the Capricorn airport and the first plane is ready to take off” Said the news reporter. She was standing on the runway, the parade had ended but for their enjoyment there was a local band singing a new song; it wasn’t that bad actually.
The engines started up and the plane drove over to the road. A huge gust of wind brought a light rain.
For the past ten minutes the reporter had been talking to a government agent. He said that he was allowed to reveal all, but the only thing he didn’t say to the reporter was how the bombs will go off in two weeks time. It was very exciting that the government would do that. He also explained their side of the story when the reporter asked “why did you keep us from going?” The agent’s reply made the class think that the government was nice, and they just wanted to protect the people, because they did.

The plane was ready to leave. It drove up the runway at amazing speeds. Something felt wrong though. In the camera room, in the city, there were security cameras everywhere. They all connected up to the one room and there was only one person watching the airport runway, there were two small computers for both sides of the wall, the protected half of the island that covered the airport. The man working at the computer noticed something weird; a man in a protection suit chasing after another guy, but the guy who was chasing the other person was running with a limp, it was very odd, but the man at the computer thought nothing of it. The person in the suit was probably just playing around due to the excitement of newfound freedom.
The plane drove on to the runway, speeding up to 120Kph. The gate at the airport rattled from the force. The cameras showed something else, more and more people ran over to the gate. This was insane! They had no permission to do this at all. They were breaking the gate down as more and more and more people showed up. It was like they were getting chased by something, or on a riot!
The man at the computer called the other workers over to show him or her, what was happening. Then something happened nobody would ever expected, giant red creatures that ran as fast as the plane jumped across people in suits and smashed the gate straight down to the ground.

“What the heck?” screamed Ray; he was a boy in Ben’s class. He had short blondish hair and wore classes for reading. He was short but very strong and once rescued his sister from a house fire. But sadly she couldn’t be revived.
“What’s going on?” Clay questioned, he was the only blind kid in the school, he knew how to write and walk up stairs which let him able to stay in the school. He had an eye disease that left him blind since he was in grade seven.
“I…don’t know,” Crystal replied. She had black hair in a ponytail and was slightly shorter than Hank and yet, she was bullied by him. Crystal and Ray were boy friend and girlfriend, and had been for a year. They had so much in common and were best friends since grade one. 
On the T.V. the people ran like mad. Some people jumped extraordinary heights over the others, a group of the big, red dogs jumped straight into the wheels of the plane. The jumpers jumped into the jet engines of the plane. Causing it to explode and break off. The plane turned slightly and the wheels bumped up and down, the plane-crashed nose first into the ground and exploded into a massive fireball. You could hear the screams of people in the background. The cameraman ran away, he was holding the camera as he ran; it showed a female reporter running away with him. She tripped over, “HELP!!” she screamed, and the cameraman ran back over to her and helped her up. The people ran closer and closer to them; the smooth image of the camera showed a load of army soldiers shooting at them all with machine guns, several off them dropped to the ground. One of the people had his helmet shot off…they weren’t people…anymore…

The men and women in the camera room started evacuating to the top floor to fit into three helicopters or they stayed back and barricaded the door shut and calling people all over the place to evacuate as fast as humanly possible. The citizens who stayed inside were the bravest of the workers.  
The guy at the computer was on the phone to the army back on the giant land mass. They were sending helicopters and government agents to the island. He looked at the computer screen, it seemed like the disease infected everybody in the ruined side of the city. The screen started blacking out, it turned on again just for two seconds, the image was blurry and black and white but the man could see what it was, a zombie flew through the air, sparking electricity and off its fingertips…

The next ten minutes went fast. First, a massive alarm was heard throughout the island. Next, everyone was to barricade the door and make a pile of objects that lead up to the small windows. Then the kids found a load of sheets in the closet next to the door, the class that was there before them was the home economics class, and they were sowing up quilts and rugs. They tied the quilts and rugs together and tied a loop to the closet. Lastly they tipped over the closet and opened the window, there were windows on both sides of the classroom, the windows at the only entrance and exit were small and wide, but it was too small for an adult to fit through. That was where they stacked up the desks to make the pile, just in case of an emergency. On the other side, if somebody was to fall off the rug ladder they made, he or she was going to fall four stories down to a concrete slab. The windows were big and tall, but not big enough for a spider (The zombies with giant spider legs) to get in (Spiders were the only zombies that could climb buildings).

The school had a magnificent architectural design; the first few rows of buildings had bridges. The rails on the sides were set high so nobody could fall off. They also had automatic gates that were made through out the inside of the school’s buildings. They made it because of what happened in the year 2008. All the buildings were two stories high but because the school was built on a hill, the building they were in now was affected. If you fell off the side that had the door, you would fall three stories. But if you fell off the other side you would fall down four stories, unless you were on the roof, but how would you get up there?

Everybody got out the food from their bags and put it under a desk in the pile. To make sure that the zombies wouldn’t find them, they made a small cubby house with the desks. The teacher, Mr. Branigan was sitting on a single chair in the middle of the room; he was holding an emergency flare for protection.
About three to four hours later Hank had enough of being stuck up against everybody so he said, “Uhhh, I think I’m stuck” he tried to push everybody out. A few of them shrieked as he pushed them out, “Hey! Stop that,” yelled the teacher. There was a loud banging sound on the door and some groaning from a zombie. They immediately fell silent.
It was four in the afternoon, and for some reason the word ‘cannibalism’ came up. Ben started to feel really uncomfortable. He looked at Erica; she was talking with a friend. He couldn’t hear what she was saying, but he didn’t care. He wanted to talk to her but his shyness had overcome him. Mimi was sleeping. How could you sleep at a time like this!!! Ben screamed in his mind. He could hear Hank whispering to Phil, he was one of Hanks friends. He had long, black, rock star hair and was growing a goatee. He had a problem with his legs that forced him to walk with an awesome-looking cane. It was painted gold all over except for the smaller part at the bottom, which was black; it also had an eerie looking skull on the top. Ben heard them say his name; they were just talking about cannibalism. He look at Ray and Crystal, they were hugging each other. Ben wished he had somebody to cuddle up to, he felt so alone. His only friends were probably dead already. He shifted over next to Clay and talked to him, other than Erica, Ray and Mimi, he was close enough to being a friend. Outside, more screams of pain were heard outside. There was also the sound of guns and sharp object chucked at the zombies. When the first person started shooting, everyone else got to the floor or got up on the pile to see what was going on. Nobody saw any soldiers at all, so they wondered, were they ever going to come?

6. Thrown out
 It was currently five o’clock. The T.V. was on but the class couldn’t get onto the local channels. On the four thirty-news show (Not on Capricorn Island), it seems that the government hadn’t been completely honest. There haven’t been any reports of Capricorn Island. They thought it might be on prime time but they gave up all hope. An island with a population of six hundred thousand must not have seemed very important to anybody if they all died horrible deaths. Everybody tried to make calls to the police, military and loved ones, but they couldn’t get a signal working.
Clay was sitting in the corner with his cane close to him. Phil was standing up, his black sunglasses covered his eyes, He was acting like if his cane was a sword and he was fighting the zombies, it was very weird how he swung the cane, he did it with massive anger. Something appeared on the T.V. as Mimi was watching out for any communications. Perhaps from survivors or the government. First it was static, with white noise in the background, but the noise faded slowly and a shape appeared onto the screen. It was a circle with the shape of Australia on it. It was gold and green. It disappeared and showed a man in a military Sargent uniform. “Attention survivors” he called out in a booming voice. “Everybody, the army’s on the tellie!!!” Mimi screamed out. Instantly everybody ran over to the T.V. Clay ran the closest, so he could hear better even though he was blind.
The other classmates also ran over to the T.V. “Survivors, please make your way to the new Capricorn Island airport” The man on the T.V. continued “If you were watching the incident responding at the airport, you would know that…that these…things” it showed a diagram of all the creatures that have been seen, except for any supernatural species. “Have all escaped into the city, so DON’T GO INTO THE CITY, I REPEAT, and DO NOT GO INTO THE CITY!!!
The airport has been cleared and a new barrier has been set up. The first flights in the past half-hour have had a successful take-off” It showed file footage of the plane taking off “with the first plane touching down in a government airport. Just twenty minutes ago. You will be treated with the anti-virus. We will have helicopters flying over here, here, here, and over here,” He pointed with a ruler on a map to six different positions; one of them was the school. There was a roar of cheering in the classroom. The teacher shushed them “Although we will have these positions today and ONLY today, so pack up fast before eleven o’clock. Because that is when the last copter will come, it will pass over Starlight Bridge. That is all. We will keep repeating this video in till ten thirty”
The T.V. turned to static, then the shape appeared again and it started repeating itself.
Everybody was shocked. The copter won’t come back if they miss this flight. Everybody ran around the room in panic yelling out different things. Then Mr. Branigan screamed out “QUIET!!!!!!!!!!!” Everyone fell silent immediately. “We need to find out how to climb up to the roof. We may need weapons, has…any…body got any weapons?” Mr. Branigan had weak smile. He always told kids that guns and weapons should never have been created, they always made trouble. But now he finally had realised that sometimes guns and weapons protect you. The class room was silent for a few minutes, “Anybody…anybody at all? Now I know somebody must have something, I can keep a secret.”
“Well, if anybody can keep a secret…” Ray opened the side of his jacket, revealing an Uzi gun. Everybody was shocked, especially his girlfriend Crystal. “How…I mean…why…but like…OH MY GOD!!” Crystal stuttered. She thought he was this nice kid, who could beat up anybody he wanted to but didn’t because he was sensitive. “Listen, my dad-”
“Oh what! Your dads in the mafia?” she screamed at him. Everyone but the teacher and Ray took a step back.
“He’s in the waste management business…so…yeah” Ray replied
“Wh- What?” A tear came from her eye.
“Don’t be sad,” he tried to hug her but she pushed him away and ran into the desk house and pushed a desk in front of the entrance. “Oh crap” Ray muttered under his breath. He walked over to a crack between the piles of metal. “My dad just did one loan, it was for the house”
“But you could die!”
“I know, that’s why he gave me that gun,”
“Have you ever used it?”
Ray stopped talking. The classroom fell silent more than ever. Inside the house, Crystal’s jaw dropped wide open with surprise and anger.
“You have, HAVEN’T YOU?”
“I never have whacked anybody before”
“Great, now you’re using Italian slang!”
“I said I never had killed anybody before”
“Well what about shooting people?”
“Only to scare people away. My bullets have never touched flesh before”
“Oh really”
“Stop this at once!” shouted Mr. Branigan.
“Why don’t you just mind your own business” yelled Hank.
Clay walked up to Phil, “That’s weird, because you always interrupt everyone else’s conversation!”
“Wrong person, Clay” Phil answered back
“Oh!” Clay said nicely “Sorry Tiffany” (Tiffany was a girl in the class)
Phil closed his eyes and looked at the ground muttering, “Okay, Phil he is blind. He doesn’t not know who he’s talking to.”
“Hey, have you tried blanks before?” Ben asked Ray
“Hey, how about you kiss my-” Erica interrupted “How about you leave my friend alone!” Ray dropped the gun on the ground. It didn’t go off because it was on safety. Everybody started arguing, Ben dropped to the ground crawling. “STOP IT; STOP FIGHTING RIGHT THIS INSTANT, NOW!!!” Branigan screamed. He couldn’t control the fighting and the yelling. Ben crawled on top of the desk pile and held the Uzi in the air. He started firing; the noise was loud and deafening. Everyone screamed and dropped to the floor. Hank stood up and pulled a rifle out and pointed it at him. Phil stood up and pressed into the eye of the skull on his cane. Instantly a big sword slid out from the cane and the gold plating folded in. Ray continued to stand. Clay stood up as well but he didn’t know what was going on. “Crystal, if look out there is some kids that have weapons as well” Ben said, She poked he head out. Ben looked at her “See, heaps of people have weapons, I have a sniper rifle at home” he called out to the class “Who else has weapons or guns at their home?” Almost everyone had put up there hand. “Why did you bring a gun to school Hank?”
“I’m…in a gang” he replied
“Well that’s no secret, what about you Phil?”
“I live in a rough neighbourhood, carrying a sword like this is like carrying a twig”
“Those bullets were blanks” Ray interrupted
“Err…what?” Ben asked
“I said those bullets were blanks, they are like those pop-cap guns, they burst and make a loud noise, sorry I started to get angry at you”
“Well have you got real bullets?” Said Crystal as she hoped out of the house/pile of desks.
“Um…what happens if I say yes…?”
She let out an angry sigh and was bout to hop back in but Ben quickly said to her “Well…I have a sniper rifle at my home, with heaps of bullets. Also my mum has a shotgun, still loaded” I hope she is at the airport…I hope she is safe at least Ben thought to himself.
Crystal, the bullets are in my bag, I think we should be tHankful that I have them!”
Everybody started nodding saying things like “Yep” and “alright” one person even said, “We might survive after all!”
“Listen kids. I think we should be focusing on getting a ladder. Don’t you think?” Mr. Branigan shouted as the crowd calmed down.
“Where is a ladder?” Asked Hank
“Well, there is a very big one in the design and technology room, who wants to go?” asked Mr. Branigan. Obliviously nobody would put his or her hand up. “They have to go out the short window so it cannot be anyone big or too tall” He instantly marked Hank and Crystal off the list. Nobody had his or hers hand up. “How about you Ben? You’re the shortest kid in the class,” Branigan asked
“ME! NO!” Ben shouted in shock
“Yeah do it Ben!” Hank Yelled
“Come on!” said a boy in the class named Ned and he was a friend to Hank
“BEN, BEN, BEN” everyone cheered except for Phil, Mimi, Clay, Ray, Crystal and Erica. Erica got on top of the first desk “HEY! HEY! STOP THAT! WHY SHOULD HE GO? BENS NICE, WHAT ABOUT HANK?” she screamed out.
The cheering continued. It could not be stopped, it was invincible. Hank climbed up to him and pushed him through the window. “Oof!” he shouted as he fell to the ground. It was getting dark and he could see some surviving birds were going into their nest. He looked behind him; there was an entrance to another classroom. In front of him were some small rails. You could fall off if you weren’t careful enough. There were old bag racks connected to the inside of the railing. The back of the bag racks were covered with wood so the bags wouldn’t fall down.
Ben thought he saw a dark, shadowy figure. But it probably was nothing, he told himself. Then he saw it. No…them. Two ‘spiders’ were walking across the bridge. He was stupefied for about three seconds, but then he acted quickly. He jumped at the window. Screaming in a whispering voice “Spiders, Spiders! Give me a gun, please! Help me!” A knife dropped from the window and it shut. The knife was just a blunt cutthroat razor. It was useless! He tried to open the door behind him but it was knocked of its hinges. He was trapped...

7. Once bitten…
Ben got a good idea that could work. The spiders cannot see but they can smell. Earlier today he put his sister’s deodorant in his bag instead of his own by accident. (Everybody was wearing his or her bags when Ben was pushed out the window.) He crawled into the tiny bag racks. The spiders came closer. He had the spray on deodorant ready to fire. Closer and closer they came, 3…2…1…NOW! He shouted in his mind. He squirted the spray into the spider’s faces. They let out some short, high-pitched squeals. They rammed right into the big, dark blue door. Ben got out, picked up his bag that was in front of him and ran away as fast an athlete.

A few minutes had passed and Ben hadn’t come back. Every few seconds a loud banging sound would come from the middle of the classroom. Erica was worried about Ben. Really everyone was worried except Hank and a few of his friends except Phil. Phil was the kind of kid who would be friends to a bully but never picked on the kids. He was a friend to Ben. The banging noise got louder and louder. Mimi sneaked over to the corner of the room and noticed something, “Is…is that…A KEYHOLE!”
She lept back as the door burst open and a dog jumped through. The door snapped in half. (Whenever I mention a ‘Dog’, I mean the mutant) Everyone screamed and ran over to the window, taking the escape route; Clay ran over to the window and fell out!
Luckily he landed on the shade cover of the tuckshop. Ray opened the entrance to the house and grabbed Crystal’s hand to pull her out. Phil pressed the button on his cane and the sword came out. He slashed at the dog and it backed out, then he jumped at Phil. But he missed and crashed into Ray. Hank got the gun and shot the dog. Making everybody run out faster. Phil pushed the dog off himself and shot it repeatedly with his Uzi. (As the dog burst in he swapped the ammo for the real bullets). Crystal ran out and climbed down the window rope ladder. It ran and bit Hank within seconds in the arm. He yelped and Phil stabbed the dog in the back. It let go instantly and turned as quickly and as sharply as it could, Phil let go the sword and the dog tackled him down and bit his face, the sword was still stuck in the dogs back. “GAAAHHHH!!” he screamed. The sword was three centimetres away from Phil’s chest. Hank was kneeling down, cradling his arm in pain. He looked at the gruesome bite. It somehow made him smile. Ray took the sword out of the back; the dog screamed and looked at him. It hideous red face was shot already, it turned back to Phil. “Duck!” Ray screamed, by this time those three kids were left in the room. Phil ducked down as Ray stabbed the dog’s head. He lifted the dog up with the sword and shoved the sword into the wall next to the pile. The Dog by now was covered in blood, Hank got his gun from the ground and shot at the dog, Phil crawled over to the corner. Ray grabbed his gun and fired like a bat out of hell. Outside you could see the bullets fly out of the zombie’s body. The spider zombies had left ages ago, so had Ben.
Phil stumbled over to Hank and Ray when the dog fell lifelessly still. “Listen,” said Phil “I don’t think anybody saw us getting bitten, if we tell the others what happened, they might reject us from the group.” They agreed to never tell anyone until the plane came. The Virus-K7 couldn’t spread while airborne; you could only get it by somebody bitting you. “I can’t believe that I just killed a human being!” said Ray Phil grabbed his cane out of the dog’s head. “We didn’t kill it. The virus or what ever killed it.” Phil said without looking at Ray. Hank just stood there, he didn’t say anything. “I guess you’re right” Ray replied.
They climbed down the rope ladder, now almost the whole class was on that one piece of rope.
The dog’s eye flickered. Twice…three times… four times, it stumbled up. The closet was holding its strength but when Hank got on, BAM!! The closet tumble rolled over and over. More and more kids got off except Hank, The closet rolled and rolled; the dog ran as fast as it could. It ran right in front of the window and the closet. SMASH!!
The dog was catapulted out of the window; it smashed its head onto the brick building across the pathway. “Ooh that’s goanna leave a mark,” said Phil.
As they got down everybody ran in separate directions. Mr. Branigan and Tommy, he was an aboriginal kid that had short frizzy hair and wore glasses ran away. Hank took a few kids away with him, including clay. Hank had some evil look on his face that would make your skin crawl. Ray looked at him strangely like if he was telling Hank, “What are you doing?” Hank just stood there with the evil look. He couldn’t make out what he was going to do. He didn’t have enough time; it only went for a few seconds.

Erica, Mimi and a few other kids were running away from the bloody mess stuck on the walls, they couldn’t see were they were going at all. Then as they were running close to the wall, they reached a corner and then came the ambush…

8. The slaughter
Ben ran away from a ‘regular’ (Slow and brainless) zombie ambush. He was walking along the dark corridors of the science building. It was the quickest way to get to the design and technology building. He escaped that ambush unharmed and still free of the disease. He ran up some wooden steps and reached the room, as he reached for the door he heard a sudden scream. It sounded like if it was from Erica, Mimi and a few other kids from around the corner.
Ben sprinted down the corner to find six kids trapped in another ambush, but this time it was ‘runner’ zombies. He turned back around the corner. He sneaked up to the door of the Design and technology classroom and silently opened the door. Erica and her group could have fought but they were out-numbered six to twelve. Then as a zombie reached out at Erica, BAM! Ben whacked the zombie in the head with a dirty shovel. It fell to the ground, dead. The zombies all turned around and started grabbing at him. That was the perfect distraction for the five girls as they bashed the zombies by tackling them or hitting them. Ben took a step back to watch. The zombie Erica was on turned over and it was on top. Ben didn’t notice until she screamed, he whacked the zombie in the head in a baseball bat swinging motion. It hit the wall with much force, causing the skull to break. Erica got up and kicked the other Runners away. All the kids on the ground got up and ran away with Ben and Erica.
Clay walked ahead of Hank, they were the last left. They crossed a bridge but before Clay finished walking across, Hank said, “This is your stop Clay”
“WH-What?” Clay replied,
“All, I’m saying is that you are going to die”
Hank pressed a button on his remote.
Phil walked along the front of the school with his sword, ready to strike.
A loud smashing sound came from a few buildings away. Phil ran over to see what it was. A bridge connecting two buildings had collapsed. “Holy!” he exclaimed.
The dust and dirt rose like a sandstorm. He could hear the faint sound of footsteps on top of the collapsed, steel bridge. He heard coughing shortly after.
The dust began to clear and Phil saw a shadow. Clay was sitting on the ground, holding a cane and the rails tightly. The bridge wasn’t destroyed. All of the bars on both sides of the bridge were still stuck, so was the tin roof. Clay was completely trapped inside a giant cage. “Uggh…” he groaned. Phil ran straight up to him “Are you okay?” he said, Clay replied with a long groan.
Clay’s glasses were still on and his cane was on the ground, he slowly stood up.
He muttered in his breath “They’re…”
“They’re…” Phil repeated with panic.
 “They’re all dead…”

9. Black Blood
Ben, Mimi and Erica and the other girls ran in the science block, they would go back to the Design and technology block once they had outran the runner zombies. It was getting dark; the sun had set a few minutes ago. They would need a torch to see if they couldn’t reach the Rooftop in time, they had to be quick because they could hardly see now. They turned a corner, who knew that that one move would be so lethal.
They planned on running through a tunnel to get around back to the D.A.T. (Design and technology) block. But they were trapped because there was about twenty or more zombies just standing there (They might have been regular, jumpers or runner zombies, possibly a mixture of all three), they had their feet looking straight at them, their legs bent like if they were going to pick something off the ground and their arms were on their legs. Their ugly heads, some of them were missing eyes and jaws, were looking straight up at them. The kids stopped running, Ben looked behind himself. The runners had caught up with them, so had the zombies in the ambush Ben was in before. He cursed as the runners started walking towards the group, while the twenty other varieties of zombies just stood there. Ben still had the shovel in his hand but it was useless. Then something crazy happened, one of the zombies blocking the tunnel moved on top of another zombie. Another few did this. Then the pairs connected to each other, the runner zombies and regular ones joined in until it became a massive solid blob of grey, red, white and black. Then the blob formed into a massive human like creature, it made an arch around the front its head and had solid foot cups as arms and feet. A tight ring appeared arms just a meter above the end of the arms and feet of the monster. “Oh my god…” Mimi said. The monster climbed out of the tunnel to show its true size, it was a least twenty feet tall. It was almost as tall as the three-story classroom blocks surrounding it. They stumbled backwards except for Ben who was stupefied, and to pay for that, the massive zombie swung its massive hand and smashed Ben through the science block window and out the other one, luckily, a table broke his fall when he crashed straight into it. The girls screamed, especially Erica. That blow had a good side to it; he was outside the D.A.T. block again.
The girls ran away and the monster chased them. A young girl in the group, her name was Miranda. Mimi and Erica Didn’t talk to her; Tiffany and Clare (two of the other four girls) were Miranda’s only two friends. She tripped over a rock and yelped in shock; Tiffany and Erica came to help her up. Mimi, Clare and the other girls didn’t see what was happening because of how far ahead they were, but they soon noticed and rushed to help Miranda. Mimi grabbed Miranda’s hand, but so did the monster, but with her long legs. A zombie appeared out of the monsters hand to grab Miranda. The monster screamed as so did Miranda. Mimi’s hand slipped and Miranda was dragged back to the tunnel, into the darkness. Her loud, ear-piecing scream faded out, The girls felt sad, they had just lost two people from their group, but they knew that if they didn’t want to lose anyone else they would have to run now. So they did.
“What do you mean they’re all dead?” Phil shouted.
“D-d-dead” Clay stuttered. Clay was still shaking from what happened, he could only say the word “Dead” after he had said that last sentence “they’re all dead”. Phil was using his sword to get the bars off so Clay could get out.
Clay tried to say another word. “Ha-ha-a-a-nink”
“Hanink?” Phil said
“Wait” he said to himself “Take away the first ‘n’ and the ‘I’ makes…HANK?”
Phil looked at Clay, “Is Hank Dead?”
“NO!” A voice shouted out from a set of steps “HANK KILLED EVERYBODY” Hank appeared from the steps. He loaded his Rifle and said angrily “Ya see, I’m getting my sweet revenge on everybody ever angered me, THAT MEANS YOU PHIL!” He shot the rifle at Phil but it missed and ricocheted off the wall and stuck into the ground. “You’re NUTS!” yelled Phil. Hank fired again and it missed, but as it ricocheted off the wall it broke off the bar that Phil was taking off. “NOWITNESSES!” he shouted. Clay stopped shaking and said as he got out “Hank murdered everybody, he held us hostage and when any zombies came he would feed a kid to it. If anyone of us tried to escape, we would be shot. We couldn’t even overpower him either, he’s just too strong”
Hank charged at them so Clay and Phil ran away at the other pass. All these buildings were set up like a massive maze. Although this only applied to the left side, where the girls and Clay, Hank and Phil were.

Mr. Branigan and Tommy were just outside the school. On the road there were some cars a massive petrol truck. “I think that might come in handy” Said Tommy
“Amen” Mr. Branigan Replied. They hear a sound in the distance; they turned their heads around slowly. Mr. Branigan cursed and Tommy shouted, “GET IN THE TRUCK!!!”
There were twenty helicopters flying through the air and four had already turned around to pick up survivors in a park somewhere. Two helicopters lowered onto a small car park downtown. Then a few minutes’ later eight helicopters lowered them selves down to fly into the school…

Crystal and Ray walked cautiously through the edge of the school; they had been looking for survivors. Luckily they didn’t run into any zombies. But they had found a few inside some buildings just walking around.
They had just passed the pool complex. There were no signs of life anywhere until they came across to the hill the lead down to the sports oval, a massive horde of zombies (Various kinds) were trying to get into a sports shed. “Look!” Ben exclaimed pointing a the shed “There must be survivors” Crystal answered
“What should we do” Said Ray while patted him. Crystal had forgiven Ray for his gun, since it was the only thing protecting them. “I have an idea” Crystal put her head down to think, “Maybe we could create a diversion, the zombies aren’t around the back of the shed”
“Okay, I’m guessing that I have to be the diversion because I have the gun” Ray said sadly “Yeah” Crystal answered

A few minutes had passed; Crystal was a few hundred feet away from Ray. “Ready?” said Crystal on her phone (They were using their phones as walkie talkies) “Ready” Ray answered with a sigh. They thought it was a miracle for the phone company hasn’t been completely destroyed. Crystal and Ray got ready “Okay, 3…2…1…Now!” she said. Crystal ran down to the shed and Ray shot some bullets into the air. None of the zombies seemed to notice. So he aimed his gun and shot a zombie right in the middle of the horde. Every single zombie turned around to him, “Oh carrot cake” said Ray “Wait...why did I say that?” Ray thought to himself. He started shooting rapidly at the zombies; one by one they started to fall. They started to run at Ray so he backed back while he shot them. They got too close to him and so he did what he does best…He ran.

Crystal snuck behind a tree; she was unarmed so she tiptoed over to get a big stick. As she picked it up she heard some leaves crack. She held the stick close to her and looked down; she was standing on the pile of leaves. “Phew” she exclaimed.

As she got down to the last trees on the hill, which were next to the shed, she put her hand over her mouth as a lifeless body of a grade twelve boy frightened her. She took her hand off her mouth and gasped. The boy was missing the middle of his chest. On his hips was an army grenade belt. All the grenades but one was still on the belt. She decided to get the belt of the body. She looked back as she unbuckled the belt. Her hand reached the clip. She was scared that the boy might not be dead and grab her arm, so she tried to do it as quick as humanly possible. She put the belt on herself and took out a hand-grenade from the side and ran over to the side of the shed.

Meanwhile Ray turned a corner around past the tuckshop. He had lost them for a minute, but they were just running towards him. Ray ran into an open garage where another golf buggy sat. “Thank you” Ray said as he looked up the roof with his hands in a prayer.
The zombies came to the garage and stood still. Headlights flashed on and Ray ran over a pile of zombies at fifty kilometres per hour. “DIEEE!!!” Ray shouted. The zombies screamed in pain as he shot them with the Uzi or drove over them. The zombies at the back of the horde ran away from the car. Once he drove away the remaining thirty-four chased after him.  
Crystal slithered along the navy green, tin wall of the shed. She could see the light inside had been turned on but there was the sound of zombies roaming about in inside. Crystal poked her head inside the door. A fort had been made halfway through the back of the room; it was made from sacks of sand and wire, and the odd oil barrel in front of it all. There was a ‘dog’ and four ‘runners’, all clawing at the wall. She turned back and looked the hand-grenade in her hand. She closed her beautiful eyes and sighed. She screamed at the zombies. They all turned to her angrily and growled. She ran away onto the oval. When she got a safe distance she pulled the cord on the grenade and gently dropped it on the ground.

The dogs were running at there top speed now and they were only a few centimetres from buggy Ray was in. He turned into a fork in the concrete road. He turned to the left and soon realised that he was reaching a dead end, so he turned the corner and shot at the zombies. He watched them fall or run into the dead end. He looked forward. He had the small light on in the buggy; I had doors and a window in the back and one as the windshield. He realised he was going in a circle and the circle led to the fork in the road. It was bad for him because half of the remaining horde was waiting for him.
He smashed into a massive dog and flipped over onto its roof. The windshield cracked and Ray gritted his teeth, holding the seat as hard as possible. He opened his eyes to see that his seatbelt saved his life. He took it off and hit the floor with a hard thud. “Aagh! Man!” he muttered to himself, Ray grabbed hold of his large Uzi.
Outside another massive dog grabbed hold of the back of the Buggy and flipped it over using all of its power and might. “AAGGHH!” Ray screamed, He got back up on his seat and strapped the belt on. He couldn’t see outside so he shot the windshield. He turned the headlights on; the buggy really did seem like a car. He shoved his foot onto the pedal and drove away but the zombies all jumped on the bonnet, roof, sides and the back. “Get away!” He screamed angrily, he turned on the windshield wipers. Seeing that they didn’t work like they did in books and movies, he got his gun from his lap and poked the nuzzle out of a hole and fired. PA, PA, PA went the sounds of the gun firing into the flesh of the dead people. Clank, clank, bon were the sounds of the bodies hitting the ground as Ray drove over them. There was a sudden flash of pain in his lower back and stomach and at the bite mark. He started to swerve, he had only started training to be a car driver and now he was driving like a drunken pro!
He couldn’t see where he was going, although he saw through the window to his left that he was back at the pool so he was getting closer back to the oval where Crystal was!

Crystal ran as fast as she ever could. The zombies ran in a straight line and didn’t see the grenade just waiting to explode and then it did!
BOOM! The zombies were lifted in the air and set on fire; a massive burnt hole was left in the ground. Crystal hurried over to the shed. “HOLT!” shouted a man through a hole in the fort. Crystal couldn’t see him but she could see that he was holding a bow and arrow. “I’m Human!” she yelled, the arrow disappeared back into the hole.
“Are they gone?” a girl asked
“Yeah, I blew them up with a grenade that I found on a-” Crystal paused “Mary?”
“Crystal?” the girl replied
Crystal?” The man said.
“Mr. Hams?” Crystal replied
“Oh thank god you’re here; those things just nailed us in without us knowing. Me and the other survivors ran in here, all he had was the sports equipment as weapons, and the bow and arrows won’t kill anything that’s too close to the wall” Mr. Hams explained.
“Come on, there is a helicopter coming in a few minutes so we should hurry!” said Crystal. A pile of sacks and wire broke free at the right hand side. There were six kids and Mr. Hams; he was a 43 year-old man but he was just taller than Crystal. She had short whitish-brown hair had a skinny face. There was another kid whose nickname was DJ, because he was mad about mixing and mashing up songs up and playing them at a local nightclub. He was in year twelve and was very buff and strong but when you actually talked to him, he was just a giant, muscular teddy bear. He walked outside the fort and hugged crystal, “Thank you sooo much!”
“Err…okay?” Crystal answered, (She didn’t know him very well) a girl came out wearing a baseball helmet; she was very small and thin. She was wearing contact lenses and had a dark blue bandana on. Her hair was long, shiny and blond although she was a natural brunet; she also spoke with a French accent. The whole class was in grade twelve, so they were the some of the tallest in the school. “Enough hugging,” said the girl named Mary; (Mary was one of Crystal’s friend’s sisters) “Let’s go already!”
The class started to leave the shed; Crystal stepped out of the doorway. All the kids were carrying stuff like javelins, bow and arrows, some shooting range guns (Only    rifles) and even a hammer for hammer throwing!
“Be careful” said Crystal “I was with Ray and we created a division, I don’t know where he is or-” She stopped and took her phone from her black jeans. The connection was still working. “Ray…Ray are you there?” No answer. She ran outside pushing everyone aside. “Ray?” she screamed. Suddenly a loud roaring noise could be heard in the distance. They all turned around to the hill. A buggy, covered with zombies and dogs flew through the air. A figure dropped from the inside of the buggy and rolled as it hit the ground, the buggy was still in mid air. Its boot hit the ground first, making it bounce and tip over. All the zombies on the bonnet and roof were crushed to death. The buggy slid over to a gentle stop and the ones on the sides dropped off. The figure inside the buggy walked over to them revealing a wide-eyed Ray in the moonlight that showed his bruises well. “Hey” he said. A load of zombies ran down the dirt hill. As they started to pass the car, Ray turned around and blasted the buggy with the Uzi gun. The zombies screamed as they burned to a hot death. Ray turned back and said, “Now that’s flame grilled to perfection”
Everybody just stared at the sheer carnage. “I saw the helicopters in the air I think” He said. Everybody started to move slowly, and then gradually started walking normally. When you think about it, Ray is Very violent. 

 “Oh man,” said Ben as he was waking up, the whole table had snapped. Luckily he wasn’t badly injured. He remembered all that happened today and he sprung up to his feet as fast as he could. He looked around; there weren’t any signs of zombies anywhere except for the bloody mess on the wall near the classroom he was in. He was getting angry. Why did everybody ditch ME! Why is it that everybody hates me! It’s unfair! Ben thought to himself and now some annoying hordes of zombies, god! When will it end? Suddenly a small voice popped into his head saying Fight back… fight back… FIGHT BACK!  Ben did as what the voice said to do. Near the tuckshop there was a small garage with a petrol powered golf buggy, it had a part on the back where you could carry things on. Luckily it was still at the school. Ben opens the steel garage door. Under the car were two petrol barrels. He took one out without trying to spill any petrol. His plan was to brake into the tuck shop to get glass bottles and fill them up with petrol to make Molotov cocktails. If he couldn’t find any glass bottles in the tuckshop, he would go into the D.A.T. block and pick up the ladder while he was there. 
He didn’t find any glass bottles, only plastic ones; those bottles would melt without spreading any petrol. The whole canteen was empty except for some rolls of plastic and the plastic bottles. There wasn’t even a knife.
So he carefully ran into one of the D.A.T. rooms. It was the room where the year eleven and twelves built and studied engines. Ben had been in this room many times before but it didn’t seem the same as was in the day time, the air tasted like bitter dust and Ben could feel a bad presences through-out the room. The room had an emergency exit in the spacious closet, the closet lead back to near the table Ben smashed though, and it was at the left side of the room. Ben didn’t walk though the fire door. He walked though the long ways entrance. At the back of the room were five rectangular windows. Outside were a tin shade covers, under them displayed five boat engines with a concrete floor and an entrance to one of the other rooms.
Ben turned on the lights at the entrance of the room. The whole entire room was empty. The tools were still in there holders. There were some thick square, wooden tables at the top right hand corner. At the bottom right hand corner were some small walls full are screwdrivers, hammers, an amazing range a saws, screws and nails. Above each tool was a small laminated sign saying their name. Ben was suspicious; there was no blood, no bodies and no sign of any struggle that took place hours ago. Perhaps nobody was in here at the time the zombies came Ben thought to himself. He was finally calm and collected, so he went to work.
In the cupboard, there was about twenty empty glass bottles. Ben got a sharp screwdriver from the wall of tools that faced the window.
He saw a Hammer that could be useful. As he walked over and bent down, he knew something wasn’t right. There was a sudden flash of electricity in the air and more screaming then usual. A loud thud on the window scared Ben to poke his head up above the wall. It was a girl with long, deep black hair. Her skin was the deepest white. She had her hands pressed against the windows and had gross black scars and long stitches. She was wearing a white rag as a dress, which looped over only one shoulder. It was horrifying, and then blue bolts of thick electricity shot out from behind her and all the windows shattered into tiny pieces of glass. Ben ducked and yelped. Fortunately none of the glass hit him. The girl floated in mid air and shot herself right at Ben. He rolled over to the side and hit the wall. The girl’s attack missed. He got up and chucked a hammer at her; she dodged it and shot a bolt of electricity at him. She was floating about a foot above the ground. He threw a metal wrench at the bolt and absorbed the attack and hit the ground with a big clang. Ben ran to the desks and found a slingshot; he put the screwdriver on it and pulled back. But before he could shoot it, the girl shot a bolt and it hit the screwdriver. It missed Bens face by an inch and flew outside. “Whoa!” Ben exclaimed. He saw a ball-steak in an open cupboard under the sink behind him, a ball-steak is used for bending aluminium and other thin metals to make them curved using a hammer, and they are mainly used to make candleholders. It is green and looks like a ball at the top that has dents in it; the bottom was an irregular rectangular prism. Ben chucked it at the girl, this time it hit her straight in the head. Black inky looking blood came straight out. Gross, Ben thought to himself; the girl immediately made an angry face and electrocuted Ben with her pale blue hands. “AAAAAGGGGHHHHH!!!!!” he screamed as hundreds and thousands of volts of electricity shocked every muscle in his body. He fell to the floor, he started whimpering and huffing and puffing. He knew this is where his road ends, he was born a weakling and he’d die a weakling. He was on the verge of extinction, while his friends would survive and lead happy, successful lives; he would just be another person to die in vain and would be forgotten in a week. He was about to shut his eyes forever when he had one last look at the emergency door in the back of the closet, he realised his mistake, he should have just ran away, he should have thrown a Molotov cocktail at her then the girl would have burned up in smoke but that door made a voice pop back into his mind, Fight back…fight back…fight back...FIGHT BACK!!!! His heart started beating rapidly, he had come this far, he wouldn’t go back, he remembered that night his father was killed and Ben could have saved him but he was too cowardly to do so. He remembered his loved ones, his father, his mother, his siblings, his grandparents, his aunty and uncle, all his friends and pets…Erica. Ben’s lifeless hands started to turn into a fist. Suddenly he couldn’t feel any more pain, his anger and suffering was like a cast for his wounds. “YAAAAAGGGGHHHHH!!!!!!” Ben screamed at the top of his lungs and pushed his legs and hands up, he got up to his feet and charged over to the closet, you might think he would run out crying or screaming, Oh no, you would be so wrong. He grabbed a 2x4 at lightning speed and smashed the girl in the face so hard it could shatter bone, the whole thing ripped apart; the girl had black blood all over her face. She let out a menacing roar of pain. He dropped the plank and stumbled over to one of the machines at the entrance. It had two saws that were looking right at you when you faced the front. The phone in his pocket started to ring with the tune of “Star wars”; he was addicted to the opening theme song, although he wasn’t a nerd about it. The phone dropped out of his pocket and onto the ground just as the girl shot out four bolts of her most powerful electricity she could create, it was the same amount of electricity used to light all the lights at a major league football game.
He ducked to pick up the phone and the bolts hit the machine. The machine charged up with great force, the blades started to turn and it started to rumble, loud noises of buildings crashing and falling to a cement ground. Voices of men and women were shouting and screaming outside as well. He wondered what was going on out there. Anyway, the machine rumbled and screws started to roll out of it. Ben lept out of the way landing next to door to the closet. “Wa da” said the girl, she would have said ‘what the?’ if she was still human, but she wasn’t. The machine exploded in a massive
Fireball heading straight at the girl, she screamed in an ear piecing scream so loud Ben had to cover his ears with his hands. A saw blade hit the girls neck; she was decapitated.  Electricity sparked out of her neck and turned every machine in the room on, they all started to rumble. A second saw blade stopped the flowing electricity sparking everywhere by shoving itself into the girl-zombies heart. The girl’s body hit the floor in a puddle of black blood. Ben tried not to look at it, it was too mental, like in a movie where one little thing happens and gives a lot of people gory, painful and bloody deaths. Ben answered the phone while he looked at the escape door.
“H-hello?” he said
On the other line was Erica “Oh thank goodness you’re okay, Come to the tuckshop, NOW!!! HELP!!!!!” she cried.
“Okay” Ben yelled. Before he hung up he heard the phone dropped and a loud roar, then the phone line went dead. He picked up his Molotov bombs and shoved them into his bag; he hadn’t lit them on fire yet. He charged out of the emergency door and ran insanely to get to the tuckshop but as he got five meters away from the D.A.T. room it erupted into a massive fireball. “AAGGHH” Ben screamed as he fell to the ground. A screwdriver popped out next to Ben, it was a sharp and long one too. He looked back at the fiery building, it colours of red and orange lit up the quiet night sky. “There goes the ladder,” he muttered. Ben gulped and sighed as he picked up the screwdriver, but dropped it because it was too hot. He waited thirty seconds eagerly for the driver to cool down. He picked it up and tossed it around, it was still hot. He blew on it a few times, when it finally finished cooling down he stood up and ran away to the tuckshop. Scared to find out what awaits him.

10. Oblivion
Ben turned to the left and went between two buildings a zombie was had its hips stuck in the building to the left, Ben kicked it in the head as he passed, he didn’t want to use up all his energy before he came to Erica’s aid. It was easy to find her; he just had to follow the sounds of screaming and shooting.
He brushed his lower body against the bushes; he ignored them as he whispered to himself “Oh god” The zombies that combined together to create a giant monster (Called ‘Oblivion’ by Ben) climbed up the three-story building jumped off and created an powerful shockwave. There were kids and teachers throwing weapons and shooting at it, when the shockwave came, everybody was thrown back in the air. Cars flew in the air and nearly crushed some kids. When they got back up they hid behind cars for refuge. He looked at his screwdriver and thought stupid. But then he remembered the cocktails in his bag and looked over his shoulder at his bag. He started to march off in the distance, as he walked he looked from side to side, there were dogs crawling around or standing up, waiting for Ben. They were waiting to strike at the right moment. There were six or seven of them, all hungry for his flesh but Ben was hungry to, hungry to kill. They slowly moved closer, he had his screwdriver ready. The first one ran at him, he stabbed it with the driver in the head and pulled it out, it hit the wall, dead. The second sidestepped and punched in the face. He tumbled back and another dog stood on its hind legs and grabbed his head. The pain was intense “Aagh!” he screamed. The dog was crushing his head and the second was about to bite him when Ben kicked it the face. It tumbled back and got back up. Ben shoved the screwdriver right into the dog’s body. It screamed with pain rushing through its veins and nerves. The dog let go of Bens face. Ben turned around at     break-neck speed and slashed the dogs face with his driver. It fell down to the ground and Ben stomped his foot on its head to finish it off. A third one tackled him to the ground and clawed at his bag. Ben flipped around to face the dog and stabbed it repeating, in the face. It screamed holding its face with its red, bony hands. Ben kept stabbing it, his hate filled his whole body, and the screaming words ‘fight back’ went through his head and never stopped coming back. He stopped stabbing as soon as he saw the dog’s blood on his shirt. He looked over at Oblivion and the kids and adults fighting it. He saw that they even made a little hospital. Three kids were already injured; DJ and another girl were treating people with a first aid kit. DJ went to help other kids who go attacked by a zombie that wasn’t attached to Oblivion. There were eight kids trying to bring down Oblivion, all the rest were fight zombies with javelins, baseball bats and sticks.
The dog fell off Ben and they all ran away (Except for the dead ones)

A chill ran up Ben’s spine as he followed along the walls of the science building. As he passed an entrance into an alleyway, he heard a cry for help. It was Miss Turnwall and she was holding a double-barrel shotgun and a .44 magnum desert eagle handgun. “Ben!” she cried, Ben put his mouth over his hand at the sight of one of his favourite teachers was missing her legs and her dress was covered in blood. He slowly walked up to her, his hand to cover his eyes from the gore. “Don’t be…afraid…Ben…” She was breathing heavily.
“W-w-what happened to you?” he cried
“They came…to my…classroom…we escaped and ran…through here… I sacrificed…myself…when the kids left the alleyway…a massive foot came out of the sky and stomped them…all…” She pulled a pack of cigarettes and a lighter with an Australian flag design on it. She lit a cigarette up, “You want one? We’re all going to anyway,” she asked
“Nah, I think smokers go to he-” Ben stopped and looked to find her staring up at her with a sour look on her face. “No thanks” he muttered.
She spat the cigarette away and whispered “Ben…I want you to have the guns and ammo for protection…I’m…dead”
“Can um…I also have the lighter? I have a bagful of beer bombs”
With her last ounce of breath she mouthed the word “Yes” then she put her head down and laid to rest…

He walked out of the alleyway with his head, back to Oblivion, but he was now loaded with weapons. He found Ammo in Miss Turnwalls pocket. As he walked out of the alleyway, a massive fireball smashed into the ground right in front of him, it was a sports car, and the fuel tank had been torched and thrown at somebody. Ben shrieked and fell back into the alleyway. He had the shotgun in his bag and the desert eagle in his hand. He turned the corner and saw the face of Oblivion. He shot it repeatedly with the eagle. He took out the shotgun and checked it was loaded, the bullets were made out of metal and were coloured red. He wondered how come almost everybody has such dangerous weapons.
He fired the shotgun; the bullets went astray as Ben flung up in the air because of the force of the gun. “Might give this to someone stronger that isn’t Hank” he said to himself. He chucked it in his bag and got back up, his back hurt from hitting the bricks so he rubbed it gently. He ran past the car and ran to the next alleyway. It was next to the building that had its third floor and the second partially destroyed. That was where the ‘hospital’ was. He ran up to DJ and handed him the shotgun. “Where did you get that!” he screamed. “Miss Turnwall!” Ben replied by shouting back. In the background, there were the sounds of gun fire, screaming, Oblivion roaring, metal bending, cars smashing, crying and explosions.
Ben fired more shots at the ring on Oblivions face, as he shot bullets a zombie actually died and completely fell off and hit the ground. The ring now looked like two large pincers since two more dogs fell off the ring. The ring connected again and some dogs snuck up from behind Ben at the hospital. He heard them roar, his neck snapped around and so did his hand. It fell to its knees and then to its side.
“That was too close!” DJ shouted above the gunfire but just as he said it, Ben jumped towards to fighting as another car smashed the ground to pieces, the shattered glass landing inches away from DJ. “Yikes!” he screamed, both Ben and DJ could feel the intense fire radiating from the blast and decided to get away as possible. It was a good thing they did that because BOOM! The car exploded in an even more fiery blast of glass and shrieking metal.

Ben crawled along the hot ground. He just wanted to make sure Erica was safe. He dodged the body of a jumper that was killed by Hank in the distance. He passed some kids shooting arrows; they were behind a car turned on its side, a dark blue Voltzwaggon. He could see Erica fighting a zombie with a large stick through the blazing fire of a car set alight, sitting on its roof. “3…2…1…Fire!” a boy shouted and the three kids fired their arrows at Oblivions feet. It strike back by using its enormous hand to catapult a zombie at them, Ben got on his knees and shot the zombie in mid air. It hit the flaming car behind Ben.
Erica belted the branch onto the zombie’s head, it continued towards her and she backed a couple of steps and hit it again. She got an idea; she set the remaining leaves on the branch on fire (She was behind a part of an engine on fire) and swiped the zombie. Then the zombie started to try to grab the leaves off the branch but burnt its hand.
Ben crawled to the next set of archers. This set included Mr. Hams. “FIRE!!” he screamed. The arrows fired into Oblivion. Oblivion had enough of what was going on. It had become a living thing with zombies inside it (Like when you eat worms or something and they are still alive in your stomach. Sorry, that’s the only way to describe it). Anyway Oblivion was angry; the living was winning so it decided to have a shower. It waved it hands about from side to side. Tens of hundreds of zombies flew out of its hands and landed on the humans. Most of the archers and Ben start shooting at them; Oblivion had reduced its size by doing so. Everybody was getting attacked except for one person, DJ. He was the only person who could save around forty people or so, but he was too cowardly. He walked backwards into the shadows holding his shotgun tightly in his hands. He looked at all the carnage; the zombies were defiantly winning now. The song “Toy soldiers” went through his head, people were dropping like flies and it was his fault. He looked at his gun, he was so strong but so weak inside himself. He looked at his feet to see a young girl taking her last breath before dieing and that moment triggered it. DJ’s Rage went throughout his whole body. He didn’t scream he didn’t shoot insanely; he just crossed his eyebrows… Then he went nuts. He shot a zombie at the back that was about to take a big chomp out of Ben. Ben got up and started to shoot the zombies. A Dog snuck up behind DJ and roared. DJ threw his gun backwards at his side and caught it at the end out the barrel. The handle hit the dog in its soft, pink stomach. DJ flipped the gun around so he was then holding the handle; he swung around and whacked the barrel into the Dogs face. It fell down to the ground lifelessly. DJ reloaded the shotgun. Just as he finished, Oblivion swung its massive hand at DJ to crush him like a bug. But just at the last second DJ swung the gun up in the air and shot the whole entire end of the hand. A mountain of dead zombies fell off and rained onto DJ. Oblivion didn’t scream, he just shoved his hand back quickly.
Ben kicked a zombie off Ray; he got back up and started shooting the zombies with him. Ben kicked a zombie off Erica and then shot it. She got up and was about to hug him. That made Ben smile. But that moment was cut short when a jumper tackled them both. Because it landed on their arms, they were both stuck. “AGGHHH!!” The jumper screamed. It was about to strike when, POW! POW! POW! It fell off the two kids. “THanks Ray!” Said Ben, Ray replied by nodding his head. He made the ‘follow me’ sign with his hand. He wanted Ben and Erica to help find Crystal.
They found her and got her to the hospital. She had tripped over and hurt her ankle. Mary was protecting the hospital with DJ’s shotgun. DJ was beating the zombies to a pulp. “Good, Crystal is safe” Said Ben
“I’ll stay here with Crystal,” said Ray as he held her hand.
“TAKE THAT YOU ZOMBIE B-” The ending of Mary sentence could not be heard from the heavy sound of the gunfire from the shotgun. 

Meanwhile Hank was fighting off the last zombie attacking him. He had it by the neck and he choke slammed into an arrow stuck in a barricade. He looked at Oblivion; his vision was coloured blood red, he was turning more and more into a mutant by the minute. He shrieked in pain, it was intense, like getting fifty needles all at once.
He remembered what he said earlier “No Witnesses” That made him go back in his homicidal state of mind. He needed to ‘Erase’ out Phil and Clay because if they survive, he’ll go to prison possibly forever, and no one wants that.
He looked around for Phil, he wasn’t to be seen, and a loud explosion made Hank duck for cover.
One of Crystals Hand grenade had been set off by Mary at Oblivions foot, more zombies fell out of Oblivion. The remaining zombies back to Oblivion and jumped inside him. He held his arms up in his massive strength as he grew bigger and bigger. When Hank opened his eyes and got up, he realised that half of the kids were dead. He couldn’t see them; they had been taken into Oblivion. He saw Clay crawling around looking for his stick. Perfect Hank thought to himself. There were puddles of blood, oil and flaming oil (From surrounding cars).
He didn’t even make sure that anybody was looking. His hate and infection from Virus-K7 had spread throughout his whole body. He wasn’t himself anymore; his bite was throbbing on his arm and was weak. He grabbed Clay into the chock slam position. “Prepare to die!” Hank snickered.
“Wh-wha?” Clay replied
“I’ll kill your face,” Hank had become an insane murderer who radiates misery and hate “I’ll kill your body, I’ll kill your legs, and I’ll definitely rip out your EYES!!!” He teased, “How dare you escape me!” He screamed at the top of his lungs.
“Hank” said Clay, He crossed his eyebrows and kicked Hank in the face. Hank dropped him to the ground. He used his hearing to see as he fought Hank. But Hank knew that he would do that and tripped him over into a flaming puddle of oil. “AAAGGGHHH!!!!” He screamed as he rolled around on the ground, clutching his face in his hands. Hank laughed at his intense pain “Ha, ha, ha!”
DJ turned around as he finished clobbering a runner (Surprisingly there wasn’t any spiders around in the group which Oblivion was in) “What the hex?” he muttered as he got out of his angry stance and tilted his head.

There was a line of fire that passed through the firing ground. That meant people could either: jump over the fire, walk or run around the fire where Oblivion or walk/run around the exit of the battlefield.

Crystal was okay to get into the battlefield and the kids helped her up. Ben grabbed a Molotov cocktail and set it alight. He threw it straight into Oblivion’s leg. The blast made a few zombies explode right out of Oblivion’s leg.
Ben took his bag and held the gun tightly and Ray and Crystal ran out with him.
Ben and Crystal ran out near a table, Ben jumped on it and shot rapidly at the surrounding zombies around him and Crystal. He didn’t notice it but Oblivion’s hand came right at him. “Ben, WATCH OUT!” screamed Erica from a distance.
“Huh?” said Ben, he turned to her then looked at Oblivion and yelped. A dog stuck out from Oblivions hand and grabbed Ben’s head. “Ben!” Crystal yelled. She ran up on the table and grabbed his legs, as he was about to enter Oblivion. Ben could see inside that there were thousands of moving bodies, just squirming around like worms. It was hell for a claustrophobic person, luckily Ben wasn’t that kind of person but it was still freaky. “I can’t hold on!” she yelled in the moonlight. Then she let out a shriek as she was sucked into Oblivion. All the remaining kids who could see that ran up at the table and grabbed her legs. Mary ran up with a rope tied to her legs and said in her French accent to DJ as he was about to confront Hank, “Tie this rope up to something, quick!”. He took the rope and tied it to a street lamp (Used for late-night conference meetings and school fairs and other events set at night) “Good, its safe” He muttered to himself. He walked up to Hank holding a bow and arrow in his hands. “What did you do to Clay?” He snarled bitterly. Hank turned to DJ; they looked very similar to each other but they weren’t related. Hank just laughed insanely “Iee hee hee hee”. DJ just stared at him for a moment. Then went and helped pulling out Crystal and Ben.
Everybody huffed, puffed and groaned using all their strength together to pull out the two kids. Even Oblivion was struggling for his hunger. Finally he gave in and Ben and Crystal and everybody else were thrown out of Oblivion.
Ben and Crystal smashed onto a wooden table safely; the table broke their fall. Everybody else landed painfully on the ground but they were okay. “Ow!” Ray exclaimed as he rubbed his back. “Wait,” he said to crystal “Didn’t you have more than three grenades left?”
“What?” She replied when she got up. Ray looked at Ben getting up; WOW these tables must love me! Ben thought.
“Hey Ben, why is your bag ripped open?” Ray asked. Ben swung his bag over, one of the pockets was ripped open and the Molotov cocktails were missing, he could see that there were flame or torch marks around it.
He just stared at it blankly and finally said, “Oh crap”
Ray’s eyes widened as far as humanly possible, he turned to the line of kids getting up and screamed “EVERYBODY DUCK!!!” Oblivion’s chest exploded in a devastating mass of fire and bodies. The sound of the explosion was louder than the two jets that roared through a cloud in the air and some thunderbolts. Oblivion howled in pain into the cold night. The blast let out a cloud of thick, grey smoke. A breeze fluttered through the air, and in everybody’s hair.
When the blast cooled down, the kids could see that he was still standing but with another feature. He had tens of hundreds of tentacles flailing about everywhere, whipping the ground and stabbing it as well. The kids wondered why and how did he get them. Oblivion’s head was arched back in the air, acting like if it was frozen.
Then the tentacles attacked a grade 12 boys in the middle of the line. The pinkish-purple tentacle grabbed him by the throat and threw him into the chest. Everybody ran screaming for shelter at the hospital and other nearby buildings. Mr. Hams took grabbed a javelin from off the ground and slashed the tip of a tentacle in half. Then he stabbed it into the ground and pulled out the javelin. The tentacle fell lifelessly on the ground. Two more came up to him, he stabbed one. But the other one grabbed his throat and squeezed relentlessly. He desperately gasped for air, Luckily Ben saw him dieing and used his desert eagle to shoot a bullet into the tentacle. Ben could see the bloodied bone of the tentacle. It released Mr. Hams fell and down to the ground. Mr. Hams crawled over to Ben in the hospital. “Thanks kid” he thanked.
“Your welcome” replied Ben.

DJ was hit with a tentacle, he stumbled to the ground and another tentacle wrapped around him arm, then another tentacle came out of nowhere and grabbed the other arms. He tried to kick them but he couldn’t reach far enough. They started pulling him in closer to the chest of Oblivion, and no one was going to help him. “AAAGGHHH!!!” he screamed. But then a flaming arrow stuck into one of the tentacles. It broke in half and fell to the ground. He started swinging around and shrieked when he could see the insides of Oblivion; it was full of zombies waiting for him to sink their teeth into. He also saw a giant beating muscle looking thing in the epicentre of the chest; it looked like a giant black and red heart. He started lowering down, not to Oblivion but to the ground. The tentacle couldn’t take his weight. He grabbed the tentacle when he reached the ground and pulled it off himself and ran to an alleyway just in front of the hospital. Mimi was there shooting arrows at the tentacles but she was missing because of her bad aiming and the tentacles were to fast. She had been doing that for the whole time since Ben and Crystal entered Oblivion.
“Die!” she screamed. She looked at DJ and said, “Good thing I saved you are you would be one hard zombie creature thing to kill” He gave her the evil eye for some reason.
Mary came out of the hospital with the shotgun shooting the chest in an attempt to shoot of the tentacles. “She shouldn’t go so close to that thing or she’ll be dead like drop dead Fred!” Mimi warned
“I don’t know if he actually dies in that movie?” DJ stupidly questioned
“Neither do I, I haven’t seen it” she replied
“Whatever” he mumbled

Ben and the others watched as Mary bravely went into the firing ground to protect the rest of the kids and teachers. Either she’s brave, or she’s lost her marbles fighting the zombies Ben thought, he was thinking about Mary and why she just ran off with out reason. “Why don’t you die, just die!!!” Mary screamed at the top of her lungs and possibly more than that. There were tentacles come straight for her and she didn’t even seem to notice. DJ knew he had to do something but his cowardliness pulled him back to shouting at her “MARY, GET BACK!” he yelled, Mary didn’t reply, she just kept walking and shooting then loading again. “I-I somebody ha-has to do something or she’ll be killed!” DJ said to Mimi, “I’m not doing it, you should!” she replied
“But-but I-I can’t!”
“You have to, you’re equally strong as Hank, but I don’t see that scumbag anywhere”
DJ was getting jittery and extremely nervous, and he is bad under heavy pressure “Man, I, God! It’s just that-”
“Just that what!” Mimi shouted
“I saw what was inside Oblivion, it was horrible!”
“Well so did Ben and Crystal”
“But- but there much braver than I am”
“No! You must learn to be brave and use your courage as your strength like superman and kryptonite is extinct through out the known universe!” (Kryptonite is the only thing that can kill superman; he is a superhero that looks like a human but is an alien. He is a comic book character.)
“I’m like superman?”
“Um…sure…just save her.”
“Okay,” he calmly sighed, “I must risk my life to save another’s, but this time I won’t be enraged. I must fight back with out a weapon. Okay now I-”
“Just get out there you moron!” Mimi shouted and kicked him into the open with her boot. “Ow!” DJ moaned angrily.

Mary shot a tentacle off and it smashed on the ground with a loud thud, rocks jumped in the air because of the impact. “Oh yeah! Who’s the boss now punk?” She didn’t notice that a tentacle slipped around her ankle, “Mary look out!” Crystal cried, Mary snapped out of her “crazy rampage” phase and back to normal. “Wha-what happened?” She asked herself and wondered why she was where she was standing now. The tentacle tightened around her leg and flung itself up into the air. She screamed and dropped the gun. “Mary!” DJ screamed. He ran up to the gun and before he knew it, he was shooting at the chest. He pulled some ammo out of his pocket and shoved them into the shotgun. He had made a cleaver plan, and used it. The first tentacle came up fast and grabbed one of his arms tight. He held the shotgun in the other hand. The tentacle swung him faster than Mary in the chest, as it let go off him, he counted to three and fired the shotgun straight into the heart, because of his weight, he hit the heart as well. It broke off completely and DJ and the heart smashed out the other side onto a set of stairs right behind Oblivion. The giant heart broke DJ’s fall. Oblivion stuck its head up and looked at the chest and let out a high-pitched whine, Mary fell into the chest as Oblivion was screaming.
He heard a massive roar from the top of the long staircase. It sounded like a massive oil tanker and a whole loud of running footsteps.
He looked saw headlights and threw away the heart. He gasped and lied down on a stair only because a massive oil tanker jumped right off the staircase. It smashed onto the stairs and turned to its side and started flipping around. Inside the truck, Tommy and Mr. Branigan were screaming like they never have before, they knew it was a good idea to wear seat belts but they just wished the truck had airbags. The truck smashed a set of rails. Then it came down to DJ, it flipped in the air, narrowly avoiding him. The footsteps at the top of the staircase got louder and angrier.
Oblivion didn’t have enough time to turn around when the truck smash into him. Hundreds of zombies flipped and fell and flung out of his legs, some of them got crushed. DJ quickly reloaded his gun with the last two bullets; he aimed and fired straight into the oil tank. The oil sprayed everywhere, on the zombies, on the last of Oblivion and heaps on the staircase. All the kids shot at the tank, mainly to slow it down. Then Crystal took a grenade and took the pin off. She threw it straight into a hole in the oil tank, the truck finally stopped upside down. The windshield was cracked like if it was frosted, Tommy and Mr. Branigan were bruised and battered but they were still conscious. They slipped the seatbelts off and fell to the roof, then they crawled out of the truck slowly. They were helped by Mimi, Ben, Erica and Ray to get to the hospital. They got to the hospital in time when the grenade exploded in a massive pit of oil. At first, everybody could hear a massive crackle followed by and even louder bang. Then, every bodies hearing went dead. A great flash of light filled the air, and then an army of flames filled the area and spread upwards on Oblivion. The zombie’s bodies protected DJ from being set alight, also the hot shards of metal flying about.

Meanwhile, the load of helicopters that were about to arrive at the school saw the massive explosion and Oblivion going up in flames. “What the heck!” one of the many pilots shouted. They now headed for the Oblivion.

“Mary!” shouted DJ as he fast-walked through the flames of Oblivion; he had his arm on his face to protect him from burns and to cover his nose from the putrid smell of burning flesh. There were clumps of black everywhere and the sky looked completely blood red. DJ heard huffing coming from behind a pile of ash and burnt body bits. Mary had her legs stuck in the pile, so DJ helped her out by dragging her by her arms out of the pile. She had a bruise on her forehead and parts of her clothes were ripped. She also had a cut on her arm from a blade. He finished dragging her body out, “DJ?” she whispered
“I’m going to get you back to safety” he replied
“I can’t feel my legs” she whispered, DJ could see that she still had her legs but they were broken. He lifted her up into his arms and carried her to the hospital.
The kids used the first aid kit to plaster up her legs quickly. A few dogs appeared from the tall staircase and hoppled down to the black heart that was ripped out of a once living Oblivion. One sniffed it and realised what it was, then it yelled out a high-pitched scream. The living could hear what it was saying, it was screeching out “MASTER OBLIVION DEATH!” really slowly. When it stopped it fell to the ground like if it was dead, then seconds later, the stomping and roaring reached the staircase to reveal a giant army of undead soldiers jumped off the staircase and the two dirt hills next to it, The tumbled over the ground and cement, blazing on fire and covered in dirt. The kids saw the first helicopter land on the roof of the building they were in before. They also noticed that the explosion had opened the doors to the school block, so they didn’t need a ladder any more once they got out. All the kids ran inside to find zombies blocking the pathway into the next corridor full of lockers. Phil came in a sliced them in two with his sword.

Underground, massive waves of various zombies were running, waiting to smash their way up into the one building that the helicopter was on. The tunnels started shaking because of the weight and the stomping. Meanwhile on the surface, it started to make an earth tremor. The building started to shake, posters and lockers started to fall to the ground. The people continued to run. Ben, Crystal, Ray, Erica, Mimi and Hank were at the front of the crowd. The Building shook even harder, a metal 2x4 smashed onto the floor from the roof on the second level. The kids avoided it and ran past it. Another 2x4 fell, and then two more, then the crowd stopped running. Ben and the others were behind the steel planks. The turned around then…


A whole entire corner of a classroom fell off the supports and blocked the only entrance into the corridor that leads to the staircase to the roof. The kids (on both side) banged their hands on the wall blocking the path. Mr. Branigan pushed his way to the blockage, “Kids! Kids can you here me!” he shouted. The crowd could here a faint ‘yes’ though the cracks “Okay, I know a way to get to the roof!” he said.

Meanwhile DJ could see that another load of helicopters were landing on the ground, including a white helicopter with a Red Cross sign on the door. The army of zombies reached the end of the staircase and were heading for him. He saw a copter drop something that looked like a small bomb. It exploded into a purple fog, he knew what it was. It was the cure, but the fog wasn’t big enough to cure all of the infected. DJ looked at a Volkswagen beetle, (That’s kind of car Herby was, ask your parents/guardian) anyway, he got o the back and used all of his muscle power to lift it up, he groaned and finally, flipped it over onto the roof. He did that to protect crush some of the zombies that came at him, next he found a Molotov cocktail that was partially burnt, and so it mustn’t have exploded or shattered while inside Oblivion. He lit it on puddle of oil and chucked it in the engine next to the fuel tank. Then lastly he ran away to see it exploded into a lethal fireball.

Phil knew his time was near, he knew that his bite would infect his whole body soon; he could see that his vision was already infected, he could see the world as if it was blood red and the people could be seen only as black shapes, he felt the psychotic hunger for human flesh but had to resist the temptation. He went to the back of the crowd and fell to his knees. The cane fell to the ground with a thud.

“At the very top of the staircase, there should be a door that is locked” Mr. Branigan explained, “Yeah we know it” Ben replied.
“Well shoot the lock with your gun”
“Because it leads to the rooftop!”
 “Okay we’ll go now!”
“Good luck!” The kids started to run off but as soon as the could, the ground started to shake again but even harder, a few tiles on the ground fell through the building. The was a massive sewer pipe right under the building. The floor started to crack and fall. The kids ran even faster to the sprialing staircase but then a skeletal hand smashed through and grabbed Ray. More hands smashed the tiles through to the top. The kids screamed except for Hank, who just smiled. The more survivors to perish, the less likely he would go to jail, and more enemies he will lose. Erica and Crystal helped him up, while Ben kicked the hand off and shot at the hands coming out of the ground. Then a loud cracking sound came and the whole floor shattered from the wall to Ray’s foot. Ben and the rest moved to the staircase. There was a light on the staircase. It looked eerie to the eye and was extremely bright like magnesium when it has been set alight. Ray was a few metres away from it; he fell to his knees and screamed in pain. He looked at the bite; it had covered most of his skin in red. His vision had been turned from a blood red colour to seeing only black and everyone else was red. He had the thrilling temptation to eat human; he didn’t want to eat anything dead. He wanted something ‘fresh’ and warm-blooded.
“Are you okay Ray?” Crystal asked. Ray looked up at her; even she looked good enough to eat. A tear popped out of his eye, he was dying.

Foam started frothing out of Phil’s mouth, his skin turned complexly red and his vision became the same as Ray’s. Everybody was watching the horror. Mary came and helped him up and got him outside to the medical copter. But before he got there his whole entire face turned red, the red skin crept up his face and his green veins on his started to show, Mary let go of him and watched in horror as his transformation was complete. She ran back inside and grabbed her shotgun and aimed it at Phil just in case he attacked her. He got to his knees and charged to the helicopter relentlessly. The door on the copter opened wide to reveal a woman (in her thirties) dressed like a pilot, held a massive chain gun attached to the Helicopter. Phil prounaced in the air, the woman opened fire and Phil hit the ground into a puddle of water and he didn’t move again…    

“WH-what?” a tear popped out of her eye. Everybody was shocked, including Hank. He realised that he had to hurry up to get to the helicopter or he would die too.
“I was bit by one…of…those fast red…things…GAAA!” He explained with a shouted of pain at the end.
“We’ll get you to safety!” Crystal cried
“No…my time…is up”
“NO! We, we will…just hang on there!”
“I wish we could but…”
“I’ll fend off these…blood thirsty murderers” Ray started to swear about the zombies.
He got himself up, and got his UZI out. Crystal was about to kiss him romantically but the Ray said “No…you will get infected if you kiss me”
“If you’re going, then I’ll die too!” she answered
“NOO!!!” he screamed in a dreadfully deep voice. They hugged each other. His skin was completely red now. He turned his head away “Now…GO, Go before I see you and will uncontrollably rip you open and feast-” He turned around to find they were gone “What did I say?” he shouted. He turned around to the spiders and jumpers and regular zombies climbing out of the sewers and said lastly. “Okay, time you meet the grim reaper!” he was referring to himself as the one who would bring him down. He unveiled another UZI out from the jacket; crystal saw it and said, “He has two guns!”
She then watched him fire as he started to fall to the ground, still shooting and killing the zombies. He dropped a gun but continued firing. His mouth started to foam, he dropped the other gun and his face turned blood red. He fell to the ground and started growling loudly. He couldn’t see anymore…

They reached the very last door at the very top of the spiralling staircase. It was locked, obliviously. So Ben shot the lock off. He stood with the gun pointing at the door, just in case anything was inside. When they checked by turning the light switch on, nothing was there. A sign of relief came over the kids. But not Hank, he thought Phil was still out there among the living, possibly cured and what about Clay?
He never saw him actually die. Somehow he would have to get them, but he had to kill the group to do so. He waited for the perfect moment; he held his gun in his hand tight. The small room to the rooftop was silent and musty.  

Meanwhile two dogs ran up the staircase snarling and fangs dripping with foam and blood from their previous prey.

“What’s that sound?” Erica asked, they could here the sound of footsteps. The kids fell silent to hear. Then they realised what it was and charged over to the stairs to the rooftop. In front of it was a steel door that looked like a gate. The kids ran to the door with Crystal running last. As Hank got to the rooftop door, he suddenly drawled out his gun and pointed it at everybody. They stopped running and were confused. “Ben, you shut the gate!” he commanded
“Um…Okay?” said Ben, Crystal walked through and Ben was about to shut it when Hank shouted, “NO! Crystal, go back now!”
“WHAT!” Crystal exclaimed
“What?” Ben replied angrily
“You heard me, you maggots, shut the gate!”
“You…want to…wait…what are you trying to pull off?” Said Ben
“No witnesses” Hank whispered, “I hate you all so you must all die!” he answered.
The remaining kids were so shocked they could pass out from the rubbish that came out from Hank’s mouth. Before Hank realised it, he had a gun pointing at his head.
“He, he, he… I know you don’t have the guts to shoot me, Ben,” He laughed. Beads of sweat ran down the back of Ben’s neck. He couldn’t kill another human being, even a psycho. He started lower his gun, and his head, down in shame. “No!!!” Crystal screamed as Hank walked over and shut the gate on Crystal. “This is murder…MURDER!!!” she screamed.
“I’m so sorry” Ben cried
The two dogs reached the staircase and grabbed her by the collar, making her fall down. Hank turned around and pointed the gun at the survivors and said to Ben “Oh boo hoo! Let’s go!” The kids walked up the stairs and opened the roof door; it wasn’t locked unlike the first door Ben had to shoot off. As Hank reached the final stair, he mocked Crystal one last time and said in a girl voice “Chow”
She started to cry as a dog sat on her hips and drew its razor sharp claw upwards in the air and it zoomed down on her beautiful face. Her ear-piercing scream could be heard throughout the whole building and into the night.

The kids reached the roof to find the helicopter at the end of one of the sides. They were about to run to it when Hank said, “Ben, give me a lighter and a beer bomb” (Molotov cocktail) “No way!” Ben exclaimed, Hank held the gun up to his head “Ben, give me a lighter and a beer bomb” he repeated but this time he said it in a deeper voice. He mumbled and grabbed one of his last ones out. He got the lighter and gave it to him. Hank set the rag on fire and pulled it out. He poured the fuel down on the straight tin roof in a meter wide line that separated the roof into to sections. “What are you-?”
 “I’ve been holding this pain out for a while,” Hank interrupted “I…am…infected” he spat out a load of gross looking foam from his mouth. He curled up the rag and pegged it at the fire; a blast of fire grew out from the engine fuel and covered his whole body and face. The fire collapsed to show that Hank hadn’t become a jumper, or a dog, but both. He had stringy hair and his skin was dark blueish-grey and he didn’t have any eye pupils but the whole eye had turned the darkest blue you could get without getting to black noticeably. Also his muscles were all showing and he looked like he lost five pounds. He laughed in a deep, dark voice and walked through the fire. 

11. The master of war…
That young boy that was trouble from the day of his birth had now became a demon from the very depths of hell itself, hell bent to kill the people he knew best, his very best friends. He had become one of the most powerful zombies in all existence. He trudged over to Ben and was going to corner him and push him off the three/two story classroom block. He kept pushing Ben towards the edge until Mimi came and kicked the zombiefied Hank; he turned around and surprisingly talked again in a deep voice “You shouldn’t do that, Mimi”
“Hank?” she replied
“Yes, it’s me. I have realised that the two different types of infection I got from that jumping thing and that dog thing have both cancelled themselves out when they reached my brain, so I am both human and a mutated Zombie”
“You got infected twice?” Ben asked
“Yes and now I’M THE ULTIMATE ZOMBIE!!!” Ben ran away from the edge, Hank chased after him. Then Mimi was behind him and she kicked him again, Hank turned around and started pushing her towards the edge when Erica came up and grabbed his shoulder. That was when more disaster occurred, Hank flipped around and pulled his gun from his pocket, flashes of light stabbed themselves into her chest but the sound wasn’t even as loud as Crystal’s scream. She flung back into the air and hit the tin ground hard. “ERICA!!” Ben cried. He got to her and tried to wake her up, but then Hank kicked Ben in the face. It felt like somebody just smashed him with a cinderblock. He fell on to the ground, crimping in pain. Then Mimi slid under Hanks big legs (taking Hank’s gun unnoticeably) and reached into Ben’s bag and got a Molotov cocktail, she pegged it at Hank but then he caught the bottle in his hands then chucked it at her. She ducked and the bottle smashed on the ground, spilling fuel everywhere and then it all got set on fire. Ben climbed up, and cracked his neck. Hank smiled and so did Ben. Ben got the screwdriver ready. Hank put his hands on the ground, charged over at lightning speed and tackled him. Ben stabbed Hank straight in the face while in mid-air. “GAAAGGGGHHH!!!” they screeched. They hit the ground hard; Hank was on top of Ben. Mimi silently walked over to Hank holding the gun at point blank range. She silently counted from one to three and shot Hank straight into his back and said “YEAH! Take that you monster!” Ben grabbed the screwdriver and stabbed Hanks hand. He stood up and did a flip over to face Mimi’s back. Before she could turn around, Hank punched her in the back and elbowed her in the back of the head. She fell down to the ground crawling towards the fire to get to the helicopter; he jumped in the air and stomped on her back. Ben took out his gun and fired at him. Hank jumped into the air, missing the bullets and kicked the gun out of his hands. It slid along the ground like a racing car and fell off the building. “Damn it” Ben exclaimed. They started to exchange fist, they were missing them by inches. Meanwhile, Mimi was crawling over to the fire. A man rushed out of the helicopter and helped her over the fire; he was wearing a SWAT team suit and a pilot’s helmet. He had a bulletproof vest and was wearing dark sunglasses. He took her over to the helicopter and a giant door slid open. Some survivors helped her in. They shut the door when Mimi was in and Hank smashed his knee into Ben’s gut. He crumpled to the ground in pain, cradling his stomach.
The living-zombie picked up the gun and shot the pilot in the back. The pilot gasped for air and hit his helmet on the landing rail of the copter.
Hank pointed the gun at Ben and was about to pull the trigger when Ben pulled out a ‘lit’ Molotov cocktail and smashed the middle of the bottle into Hank’s face. The oil splashed on Hank and was set on fire. He screamed out loud, shaking the fire off his face. This was enough time for him to get up and reach for the gun in Hanks hand. The fire faded away and, without hesitation, Hank punched Ben in the face. Ben spun around and fell to the middle of the edge holding the gun. Hank kicked Ben again. Hank kneeled down and grabbed Ben’s collar and smacked him silly, each time Ben got hit he cursed, making Hank want to kill Ben faster. “Die! ...DIE!” It screamed. Ben’s nose started bleeding. Ben glanced over at the handle of the glass bottle that he used as a weapon before. If he could just get the bottle he could get Hank off him. He couldn’t get his screwdriver because it was laying the ground. Ben got an idea, he started crying in pain. “Prepare to die a painful death, you cry baby!” he mocked. Ben suddenly stopped crying and rammed the jagged edges of the glass handle into the side of Hanks head. His scream tore through the night sky. Ben stumbled up to his knees see Hank run-kick him in the groin, Ben fell to his knees and the glass handle fell to the ground. Hank stepped back and charged at Ben. Hank kicked him with great force. His legs flung around and he hit the tin ground unconscious. Hank laughed quietly and muttered, “That was too easy” he turned his back to him. A loud groan came out of Ben. Hank turned around to him. Ben had only passed out. “He just doesn’t die, does he?” Hank questioned himself. He picked up the glass handle and stepped back again. He jumped up ten feet in the air holding the glass handle above his head. He was about to stab Ben with his own bottle and he won’t even be able to stop him unless a miracle could occur.
The dog grunted as it walked up the staircase in the eerie, dusty light. It passed two dogs that had blood on their claws. One let out a whiney sound to the other one, it said, “Sorry, Foods gone” The dog looked at the other two that was creeping down the staircase and ignored it. The dog continued up the stairs. As it reached the top of the staircase to find the door smashed open with the lock missing. The cold grey tiles were cracked and there was red blood between the single tiles. As the dog crept through the room more he could see the blood got thicker and sprayed more on the tiles. It widened its eyes as it saw a blood covered Crystal that had scratches all over her face and body and her eyes were a light pink colour. One of her high heels had fallen off and laid in the corner of the room, next to the gate. The dog was shocked and didn’t know why. An image started to pop into his mind, first a girl with black hair and was very pretty; she looked freakishly similar to the dead girl and was just staring at him smiling. In the background, there was a marvellous sunset. The dog shook its head and another image popped into its head, it was the same beautiful girl but this time she had a different expression on her face, she was looking down at him with her eyes half closed. The dog thought he heard somebody talking but thought it was nothing. It took a step towards the girl again, this time, she had an angry face on her, there was a pile of desks behind her and bunches of other schoolkids in the same classroom were just standing around, not doing anything. It felt feelings for that memory, anger, regret, sadness, all feelings it hadn’t felt before. Then all of its memories came back to him, the night of their first kiss, the time it saved her when she was getting beaten up by Hank, the time she let him ride her bike and it accidentally fell off a hill and broke it. Every moment in that dogs life before it died and became what it was now. 

Inside its brain, something was happening. The dose of virus-K7 that infected the human was staring to deteriorate out of its brain. And thus, Ray was back.

He screamed in pain, struggling to stop the Virus that infected his bloodstream. Tears poured out of his eyes, as he looked down at his best friend he ever had corpse. “Why!” he screamed into the air, still with the deep voice. He coughed and his voice returned to normal. He looked at her and said to himself, “She’s an angel in heaven now” He took one last look at her. He walked over right up to her body; there wasn’t a bite on her. And then a miracle came. “…Ray?” a soft voice appeared from her lips. A rush of joy swept Ray away, “Crystal? Are you okay?”
She relied by groaning. No, she wasn’t okay.
“What happened to you?” Ray asked
“…I’m dying” she replied, Ray saw Crystal open her eyes slightly,
“Don’t look at me, I’m hideous!” said Ray.
She saw him and quietly said, “You’re not hideous”
Ray slowly turned his head around and said, “You don’t mean that”
“I don’t care what you look like…you’re my best friend”
 “Oh yeah, I- I kinda forgot about that because of how we were fighting so much”
Crystal coughed in pain, “I don’t want you to cry for me…I’m already dead,” she whispered. “NO!” he screamed in a deep voice.
“It’s just a part of life”
“I know, it-it’s just so hard to let you go…we could save you”
“No…it’s too late for me”
“I should have came up with you and did what you said and get to the copter”
You’re still alive and that’s what matters”
“Yeah but so does your life!”
“Nobody will really miss me, my family hates me”
“Maybe they do hate you and won’t miss you if I get out to the airport in time but still there would be one person who would miss you for all his life”
“Oh, sorry”
They had an awkward pause for a moment and Ray said, “I thought we could have grown up and even get married”
“I guess we were never meant to be together”
“We could have”
Crystal shook her head and said in a raspy voice, “Just…remember…this”
“W-what” he asked
“You’ll…always…be…my friend” she fell silent; Ray used the side of his finger to shut her eyes. He stood up crying.  
 He walked out of the room and remembered the two dogs with blood on his claws. They killed her and, with a rush of anger, he would kill them too. Even if he was still in his zombie form.

The two dogs were about to enter hole leading into the sewers when they heard a loud scream in anger. Ray flew down the stairs and tackled one of the dogs to the ground. He got up and used his claws repeatedly to swipe the smirk off that dogs face. The other dog came up and said “Traitor!” in a loud screeching voice. The dog died and Ray spun around and ripped the other dog’s stomach open. A loud smashing sound came out from the blockage. There was a whole army of soldiers using a high-tech ramming machine. The blockage was beginning to show cracks at the top, bottom and the sides.
Below in the sewers, all the zombies rushed back to the hole to face Ray who was hungry for vengeance.
Just as the first zombies reached the top, the blockage came crashing down and completely covered the hole. Because of the walls weight, the zombies found it hard to break through. The solider pointed their firearms at Ray. He stood up and looked at them. “Don’t shoot me,” he said in his deep voice, the soldiers and bystanders were shocked to hear a zombie talk for once. The put away the fire arms and let him walk across the blockage and out of the classroom block. On his way out he saw a medical helicopter. He didn’t respond to it and he left the school and walked through the purple fog full of people passed out from the cure. He inhaled the fog but he didn’t pass out because of how he had control of his brain. He walked into the shadows leading into the city, leaving his life behind…      
 Hank was darting down to the earth to stab Ben in the chest. Tiny bits of glass broke off from the shattered middle and flew up into the night sky.  Ben couldn’t move because he was unconscious. Next to him sat Hank’s gun, it was loaded.
Hank was getting down to six feet in the air and Ben’s eye twitched. It twitched again and he slowly and painfully opened his eyes. His vision was blurry and he couldn’t see Hank falling towards him. He was feeling numb all over himself except for his head and right arm. His vision came clear and realised what was happening. Hank thought to himself Good, sleeping beauty will be able to feel the pain and continued to speed down. Ben was breathing fast; his eyes rolled over to the sight of the gun and turned back. He used all of his strength to reach over to the gun but he just couldn’t do it. His eyes rolled over Erica, she was dying, and he could even tell his feelings for her. He found a new strength inside him and reached onto the gun. He used all of his might to push his hand and the gun into the air. He did that and put his finger on the trigger. Hank was only three feet away from hitting Ben. Ben pulled the trigger and a blast of metal was sent airborne missing Hank. Luckily the gun stayed into Ben’s hand, he pulled with all his strength and another bullet went flying into the air, this time thought it smashed the glass bottle into billions of pieces. Most of which pieced themselves into Hank’s zombie hands. He screamed at the top of its lungs. Ben was satisfied enough so he pulled the trigger one last time and the blast of shrieking metal hit Hanks foot. Hank screamed even harder and started jumping in the air. He couldn’t see where he was going and he fell off the edge of the building. His screamed echoed from the walls and started fading out as he fell into the darkness of the night. Ben didn’t hear a thud or any sound of a body hitting the pavement. He just heard the echo of his screaming, nothing else. He summoned the strength to roll over on to his front and get up. The numbness left his body and he was just injured. A door opened on the helicopter. Ben felt that rush of joy again. He was safe. He started to walk over to the fire and turned around to see Erica and was shocked to see his last Molotov cocktail about to blow up in her face. He ran with a limp in his leg over to her and kicked the bottle away, as it reached the edge it exploded into a thousand shards of glass, luckily none of them reached Ben or Erica.
Erica was resting in a small pool of blood; Ben used all of his strength again to pick her up. He carried her in his arms over to the copter, he didn’t even care that his legs were burned severally as he stepped over the fire, he was just happy to get away.
Mimi rushed out with an army Medic and helped her and Ben into the plane. They also got the first pilot into the plane as well. Ben and Mimi sat next to each other and Erica and the first pilot both laid down on a whole row of cushiony, black leather seats. In the helicopter, there were five rows of seats because it was an army search and rescue helicopter. One row for the pilots and four rows the people. The first pilot was put into the very back of the helicopter and Erica was put in the second row so the medic could keep her alive with machines. The first pilot was just in shock because he never was shot with a gun before even if it was in a bulletproof vest.
The black S&R (search and rescue) helicopter’s blades started moving again, the fire was starting to fade out. Ben and Mimi strapped on their seat belt and they could finally relax. Mimi only had a few wounds from being brutally bashed by a homicidal zombie; she would have to go to hospital but just for a ‘check up’. But with Ben it was clearly oblivious he would have to spend a few days in hospital because he was bleeding, burned, bashed, Pelted with glass, had a broken leg and fractured skull, and almost bitten with virus-K7. 

They were six hundred feet above the ground now and the pilot told them that they were going to blow up the whole school because there were too many zombies roaming about. They didn’t have enough ‘cure bombs’ for the school; they had to save some for the rest of the whole island.
“Hey, I know what might cheer you kids up,” said the pilot as he looked over his shoulder. He turned on the radio to a channel that was broadcast of the island. The song ‘staying alive’ was playing. A moment of the song passed and everyone sat in silence; finally Ben said “Aaaaaaawkward!” then all of a sudden a hand smashed right through the window and tried to grab Ben’s hair. Everybody screamed. It slipped back outside and opened the giant sliding door. It was Hank with blood coming out from his forehead. He had survived the fall and jumped back onto the building, ran off it, and grabbed onto the helicopter.
Hank grabbed Ben’s leg and screamed in a deep, devilish voice “Die!!!” he slipped off the landing bar it was standing on and Ben fell out of his seat. His seat belt snapped. Ben screamed and he tried to grab onto something but he couldn’t grab onto any thing, the whole inside of the copter was smooth. Mimi grabbed his hand and the medic grabbed her arm and they all pulled. Ben became furious and smashed his leg against the railing; Hanks hand was under his leg. Ben belted the leg again and again and again. Finally Hank let go and its feet climbed over the landing rail. Ben got Hanks gun from off the seat and stood up angrily. Then everything went slow and silent. Ben could hear his heart beating loudly and quick, Hank roared as he tried to grab his legs. Ben pulled the trigger and the bullet went into its head. Hank stopped roaring; he stopped any face expressions at all. He just fell off and flipped to the ground. Hank hit the ground with his eyes open and the road cracked from the impact. Then something twisted happened. Hanks claw turned into a fist and, covered in blood stumbled back up. A wide smile spreads across his blood-covered chin, “AHAHA YOU CAN’T KILL ME, NO ONE CAN, I’M INDESTRUCTIBLE!!” he laughed, and then Hank sang the lyrics to the song ‘indestructible’ by the heavy metal band ‘Disturbed’ “I’M A INDESTRUCTIBLE MIND, I’M AN INDESTRUCTIBLE MASTER OF WARRRRRR!!-” He was about to sing the rest of the lyrics but this was cut short because he didn’t notice the massive tank about to squash him. He was too caught up in being ‘immortal’.

Meanwhile while Hank was getting run over by a giant tank, Ben watched what was happening. He turned his head around when the tank had finished. He knew that he would never see him again…

12. The planes
He lifted his head up, at first he thought it was a dream but then he looked at where he was. It was a completely transparent-white room. He looked at the sheets on the bed he was lying on. He blinked; the whole room was made of plastic except for the bed, which was cotton and polyester. Where the heck am I? Phil thought to himself as he got out of the bed. He looked at the white window. It had trips of disinfectant running down it. Outside the frosted window was a large field of grass and flowers. He turned around to find a nurse. “Oh! Gosh!” he exclaimed
“Oh sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you” Said the nurse.
“Where am I?” Phil asked
“You were…one of them” she explained
“Yeah…I was. Am I still…infected?”
“No, you were shot with the vaccination but in a bullet form”
“Oh, what time is it?”
“It’s seven-forty something, you came in last night”
She brought in a tray in from outside, “Would you like some breakfast?” she asked
“What is there?”
“We have toast, bacon and eggs, lots of different cereals”
“How about some steam fried, lightly salted human legs”
The nurse’s eyes widened open “Just kidding!” he exclaimed “So can you answer my first question: where am I?”
“Oh yeah, your in a special army hospital for de-mutation facility attached to the airport”
“Am I still in Capricorn Island?”
“Yes you are”
“We can’t afford to let the Virus-K7 reach the mainland, so you have to be vaccinated at least twice before you leave Capricorn Island
“Okay. I’ll have bacon and eggs for breakfast”
“Excellent choice, will you come with me to the breakfast room”
“Sure” Phil answered and they walked into the breakfast room. He looked at his clothes and realised he was wearing white PJs. Somebody had dressed him while he was out. When he asked, the nurse said it was a new type of robot the dresses and undress people.

He got into the breakfast room to find it was blue and white. It was also connected to the airport but there was a large glass wall in the entrance to the airport, to get through it, you had to go through a tunnel full of scan machine machines for various things like weapon or drugs. Also there were some to detect if you were still infected with the virus. The atmosphere was calm and relaxed and the air smelt normal but the taste of the smell tasted like bitter disinfectant. The nurse gave him his tray and let him sit wherever he wanted to. The room was very large and had three floors; Phil was on the first floor. The third room was for army soldiers and family that had been taken out of the war zone. He took his tray over to a table where Ben (Who had a small cast on his head and a cast on his legs and arm), Mary, Mimi, Tommy and Clay (Who had a giant cast on his face) were sitting. They welcomed him over and he sat next to Clay.
“What happened to Hank?” He asked
“Long story short, he went insane and killed crystal by shutting some gate letting these zombie dog things get her-” Ben explained
“He also killed some kids,” Clay interrupted
“Wow, he’s a serial killer, no wonder he turned from bad to worse in a matter of hours!” said Mimi
“Yeah he told me that he wanted to kill everyone he ever hated, and he had to kill any witnesses,” Phil added
“So I guess that explains his idea to kill everybody” Said Mary
“Yeah, its creepy, but at least we won’t see him ever again,” said Ben
“Why?” Asked Phil
“We escaped on the helicopter without Hank who at the time, had turned into a weird zombie and tried to kill us. So I shot him off the edge and got Erica and myself onto the helicopter. Later he somehow survived and got into the helicopter and tried to pull me off. Luckily using his gun, I shot him off the copter. He fell to the ground and got back up!” Ben continued, “Well then he started singing or something and didn’t realise a massive tank about to squash him. Then it did squash him!”
“Ha! he’s a pancake! By the way, where is Erica?” Phil asked
“She’s in the hospital still, Hank shot her with his gun” Ben answered
“I hope she’s okay”
“I hope so too. She’s been out since she was shot; I’m going back after breakfast”
“What stuff is there to do?” Phil asked
“Nothing really” Said Mimi
“Great, I think I’ll have another eighteen rounds of breakfast” He said as he stood up, finishing his bacon.
“Well there isn’t anything to do until it’s your time to get vaccinated, that’s why DJ is out of here and in some shops or something” Said Mary
“Hey by the way, have you heard about the courage awards night in Canberra?” Clay asked
“No, what’s that?”
“Oh, its in the newspaper. Some the survivors will get a bravery award” Clay explained
“Yeah, and it said that the survivors at our school will be getting one so that means us!”
“Damn straight!”
“I hope Erica lives long enough to get the award,” Ben said miserably
Clay shifted his head over to Phil and muttered the words “Cry baby” very discreetly.
Phil showed a quick smile but he knew that it was sad for Ben because he never told her about how much he liked her.
Ben stood up when he finished his meal and left quietly to the hospital.
“Philip?” A woman cried, Phil turned around to find his mother staring back at him.

Ben sat next to Erica bed reading a magazine. He was with her parents and her cousin. Ben knew her parents so it was okay for him to stay. Erica’s parents had left to get a chocolate from a vending machine and go to the bathroom. So Ben was just in the room, he hoped that his mum and his family would be at the airport. He had checked everywhere but couldn’t find them. He looked at Erica and let out a sigh. He looked back at his MAD magazine. A minute later he heard a loud scream. “Yaa!” he yelled He looked at Erica to find her looking around at the white plastic walls. “Erica!” Ben yelled happily. “Ben?” she asked. Her cousin walked in eating a giant chocolate frog, “Erica!” he exclaimed with a mouthful of chocolate crammed into his face. He ran out to his, and Erica’s parents. “Ben, where am I?” she asked
“You’re in a hospital connected to the airport” He answered
“What happened? The last thing I can remember was seeing bright flashes of light from Hanks gun”
“Well…” And he told the story of what happened. By the end her parents came rushing in and hugged her. “I’ll leave you guys alone, I have to find my parents” Ben said as he left the room. He was wearing the ripped clothes that he was wearing the night before. Except he was wearing new denim jeans since his old pants were ripped and burned to ashes. Ben stuck his Hands into his pocket and kept his head down. He looked at the other people. Some walking around with their families. A few people looked at him strange, this annoyed him but he tried to ignore them. A name was called out. “Maclooney” It came from the sound speakers. Anybody in that surname was had to go to the first floor to the tunnels to receive the vaccinations. Sadly ‘Maclooney’ wasn’t Ben’s last name. He turned around a corner to see a hand grab him and pull him into the shadows, “What the hell!” he screamed. “Shush!” he voice said, it sound familiar “Nobody knows that I’m alive and I want to keep it that way”
“Ray?” Said Ben
“Yes, it’s me, I killed those zombie things that killed Crystal” He said. Ray stayed in the shadows but Ben could see that he was wearing a blue bandana.
“Are you human?” Ben asked
“Yeah, I got out through the blockage and inhaled the fumes from that fog bomb that hit the staircase”
“By the way I wanted to tell you that my Dad isn’t here and I think I know where he is. But it’s in the city”
“Well what are you going to do?”
“I’m going there”
“You can’t!”
“Don’t worry, I’ve talked to an army General, he said I was the right age to join a S&R family team”
“So what does that mean?”
“I’m going with a team of soldiers and other familles to go to places they might be hiding and rescue them; we also shoot any zombies with a vaccination gun”  
“You could join if you family didn’t show up”
“I’ll think about it, but my family might already be here”
“Suit yourself”
Ray put his arm on Ben’s shoulder and said, “This is the last time you’ll see me”
“Because if I find my dad then we’ll go to America with new names and a forgotten past and we will not get involved with the mafia”
Ben saw Erica coming out in black jeans and a black and white T-shirt; she had a large cast around her waist as well. “Well,” Ben said, “It was nice knowing you. By the way, I’m so sorry for what happened to Crystal
“Good-bye Ben” said Ray
“See ya” said Ben as he walked out of the shadows. He walked over to Erica; she said, “Did you hear about the state-wide funeral held in Canberra
“Yes, it’s just before the Courage awards night” Ben answered.
“…By the way-”
“Thanks for saving me, all those times” she looked embarrassed
“Would you go out with me?” Ben blurted out. Oops I said at the wrong time he thought to himself. He blushed. 
She started blushing herself, “YEAH!!...I mean, okay” she exclaimed

And they did go out on a date together. When they reached Cairns that is. Everyone left five days later on a plane. In the left side window everyone cold see the island they once called home exploded into a massive eruption of destruction. They were okay with it because they had all their belongings (Delivered from the army) and were told three days before.  
After the funeral, everyone went to the awards night, which cheered a few people up because they had a medal of bravery around their necks. Ben and everyone else were reunited with their families except for Hank and Crystal. Hanks whole family died in a car crash and Crystal’s family was fine but they actually did miss her for the rest of their lives.  

Phil went to a new house in Tasmania.

Clay Moved to a house on Hamilton Island.

DJ and his family went to live with his aunt and uncle in Canada.

Mary, Mr. Branigan, Tommy and a few other classmates all moved to the Gold coast.

Mr. Hams moved to Darwin

Mimi moved to broken hill

And by coincidence Erica, Ben and everyone else (except for ray) all moved to Cairns  
The End…
(Well almost)

13. Epilogue
Two days till the last planes leave.
A bright light shown outside the windows of the abandoned warehouse. It was seven o’clock at night. The warehouse full of empty boxes and barrels of oil. The air was bitter and there was an old 80’s electric feeling in the atmosphere. Dust covered the boxes to the left and to the right. At the very back of the warehouse was a room full of desks and one door. The light in the room was turned on and was full of Capricorn Island Italian Mafia members. They were all hiding from the dogs and regular zombies that smashed their hands against the wall and the door. The light outside got brighter and a high-pitched whine sound appeared. The light became so bright that the whole windows shattered to pieces. The two giant sliding doors for vehicles flung open and a tank sized car full of spikes and guns and armour plated windshields. The oil barrels exploded at the impact of the car. The car jumped a few feet in the air and hit some dogs that prowled around the warehouse. It bounced lightly as the tires hit the floor. The car went to a speeding stop. All the dogs and zombies ran over to the car and started trying to break it. A huge spitfire machine gun moved out from the roof of the car and shot most of the zombies. An armoured door open and ten soldiers ran out in SWAT team uniforms and holding small machine guns. “Eat dart, deadmen!” a solider screamed as he shot a zombie. They all started to shoot the zombies. Meanwhile a short man in a uniform set a bomb onto the doors lock. The soldiers ran over to the door as the bomb went off. The lock fell to the ground, snapped in half. The short man in uniform kicked the door open. He and the soldiers ran in. The Mafia men inside were all safe and hiding below the desks. Man short man took off his Riot helmet, it was Ray. A balding man stepped out from one of the desks, “Dad!” Ray exclaimed.